Chapter One: Lover In The Crowd

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Chapter One: Lover in the Crowd

Our opening band had finished and the crowd seemed to love them. My manager held me a thumbs up as the makeup crew finished my eyeliner. I had performed this set millions of times but something about tonight felt different. I was in my hometown, Austin Texas. Maybe I would see someone I knew.

I scanned the crowd to see who was here, then a familiar face caught my attention. I didn't know who he was but then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

My lord. That was William.

He was one of many of my crushes in middle school, and he looked hot as ever. What caught me was that he was wearing my band's merchandise. Woah. Then I saw a girl hug him and my heart dropped. That must be his girlfriend. Or maybe his wife. We dated way back in middle school but I don't remember why we broke up.

He was still so hot.

I walked up to the microphone stand, shaking. I had to give my all for this performance. I couldn't embarrass myself in front of William! The lights came on and as soon as he saw me our eyes locked. Something about him had changed but in a good way.

"Are you guys ready to rock the hell out of this place?!" I yelled, a bit louder than I imagined.

Screams of approval came from the audience but my eyes turned to William. He gave me a thumbs up and we opened with "troubles of my affection"

I played the opening notes shakily, I couldn't focus. The crowd wouldn't notice but I did. The crowd loved our opening, as per usual. I could only focus on William, gosh I was still obsessed. We played a few more songs but all I could do at the moment was worry about my costume change for "pretty privilege" . It was a big hit and most likely the song people came here for.

The rest of my band went backstage, my costume change was supposed to be while we were playing. I was so nervous. While the rest of them were backstage I had to give my little speech.

"Hey Austin!"

I always got a hit when the crowd responded back to me.

"This is my hometown. I see some faces I recognize" I said, smiling.

I was only really talking about William. Our eyes met after I spoke and time seemed to stop. I suddenly had the urge to talk about him. I guess I never got over him.

"I have a story to tell you all."

The crowd looked excited. So excited.

"I loved a boy here. I dated him for a while but we broke up. I don't remember why"

I heard disappointment from the crowd, I guess they wanted to hear the breakup story.

"I see him in the crowd tonight."

Then my band members were back onstage, I couldn't finish by saying his name. I wanted him to know I still loved him even if he had moved on.

"pretty privilege" started.

I had forgotten about my costume change, so when the time came it was a bit awkward. I changed my costume and makeup and entered through the back crowd. As usual, no one saw me. When I got to the top rows I was dropped from the ceiling. No ropes attached, I had to land on my feet. It wasn't that big of a fall and I wasn't scared of heights. In other places I had some kind of parachute on me but this time I didn't.


I finally fell and landed on my platforms just as intended, the crowd went wild for that stunt. When I looked at the audience, William wasn't there.

Panic and relief at the same time.

We played the rest of the song flawlessly, and finished our set in what felt like seconds. Then it was go time.

My band had their own limos to catch and so did I. I couldn't even take my costume off and I was really hot in it. I don't know if it was from the performance or William Before the fans were let out we had to get to our cars and drive immediately. I had a meet and greet next weekend anyways.

I hopped in my limo and a surprise was waiting for me.

"Ivy?! You came?!"

She smiled and did her awkward laugh. I always told her she needed to change it.

"Of course I did! Got you some root beer, something cold after that killer performance."

She handed me a bottle of root beer and I drank it in about 3 seconds, give or take. Ivy looked excited and whipped out her phone

"You'll never guess who was here tonight!"

"William, I already know. He has a girlfriend." I said in a disappointing tone.

Ivy giggled a little bit.

"No! That's his sister. I got a video of them walking out."

I forgot he had a sister! That made perfect sense.

Ivy handed me her phone and I clicked play, she had always been willing to stalk my crushes for me.

Then I heard his voice. His hot voice. I could die.

"You're making me drive you home because you got sick? This was my only chance to see saint sappy and you ruined it-"

Then his sister began talking.

"You knew you only wanted to go to see your ex. I bet you want to father her babies. You know you still want her."

"Ew. Shut up." William said, covering his sister's mouth.

"A superstar like her probably didn't even notice me."

What a liar! Of course I noticed him, how could I not? He was so hot I could die.

"Didn't you see her looking at you? Come on William, snap out of it! You heard the story she told. She is totally still obsessed with you. Why wouldn't she be? You remember what she was like when you two were dating."

They started walking to the parking garage and the video ended.

"No freaking way!"

We were at the airport to fly to my home in Paris. Ivy grabbed my bags and checked them in with me. We were taking my private jet. Ivy didn't live with me but she was still my best friend, and even though we were 18 we still had sleepovers.

We arrived at my house and Ivy wasted no time going to her room. My house is huge and it's just me and my pets who live there, and she sleeps over often so I let her sleep in the room across the hall from mine.

She came into my room with her tarot cards and candles. She lit them and we sat down on my floor.

"Do table kid- I mean William"

I forgot I used to call him table kid! For a month or two in 7th grade, he sat at my table in language arts. That was when my crush developed.

"Okay!" She responded

She flipped a card over.

"For the past we have the fool. The nothing and everything of a beginning, hot. I mean your relationship, not William."

I smiled.

"For present we have...The Wheel of Fortune! Meaning it's the turning point of your story, hot again. I love you guys' relationship"

This was the last card, the future.

"No way"

Ivy said, reading the card in disbelief.

"The Lovers. This card represents commitment"

Ivy squealed

"You two are gonna get back together!!"

Me and her were excited about this for the rest of the night. As I slept I couldn't stop thinking about William. Would we get back together? Does he really still like me?

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