Chapter Five: The Proposal

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He texted me! Oh my god- he texted me! He actually typed out some four words for me to respond to, I had to respond, but what would I say? I can't say something stupid, it's William for god's sake.  So I went with the tried and true, the good old, 


Was that stupid? Was that dumb to say hi? Just hi?! What was I thinking?! I didn't even answer his question, I'm an idiot!!

"and yea this is tessa" 

Phew. I hope wasn't dumb. Then I saw something, which was expected, but still surprising,




HE WAS TYPING BACK!!! I took my pillow and hugged onto it tight, but then the doorbell rang. At the WORST possible time. I went downstairs to go answer it and I was greeted by. 

Oh shit. I forgot about my boyfriend. 

It was my boyfriend, Bobby! I had been with him for a while. He was cute and all but I only dated him for publicity, really. He was a huge name in the music production business, and basically gets me half of my venues, so I need him around. 

"Sorry babe, I was kinda busy..." I said, turning away from the door. 

He kissed my cheek, without consent of course. 

"It's okay Tess. Go do what you need to do. I can wait here all night." 

Great. It must've been something important. I just went back to my room and picked up my phone, I could talk to him when me and William were finished. I sat on my bed and saw the text he sent me. 

"I've got to go for tonight. I'll text you in the morning. Bye love." 

I gushed at the text, he called me love! He used to flirt with me like this all the time back in middle school, He was still so hot, I wanted him to be mine again so badly, but Bobby was downstairs. I couldn't even break up with Bobby either, or my career would be ruined. 

Trenton Keaton Record Company helped my get a jumpstart on my career, and Bobby is the son of Trenton Keaton, so he owns the company. Breaking up with Bobby would mean I wouldn't get deals from him anymore, I'd have no one to record my songs, I could always record them myself but I wouldn't have the money to get stuff for good recordings anyways. 

Bobby's threatened me about breaking up with him before too, he's always been the type to take a violent approach. If I broke up with him he'd spread fake news  about me all over the media. I'm trying to get him to break up with me instead. 

I walked downstairs and Bobby was sitting on my couch, waiting. 

"Tessa! There you are. I have a question for you." He walked up to me with one hand behind his back. 

I sighed, "Can't it wait Bobby? it's like 2:00 AM. Not in the mood for answering."

He looked at me, annoyed. 

"It's heavily important. I've already got everything all ready."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I hated this. 

I met Bobby at a coffee shop in Boston and he ran up to me, begging for my autograph. I took his number and we texted back and forth. I mean, Bobby WAS hot. He had the looks and a great smile, it was just his personality was...terrible. 

He  took me outside of my house, into my yard, where a ton of paparazzi was waiting. Bobby held my hands, which made me sick to my stomach. He pulled me closer and whispered. 

"Everyone's watching Tessa. If you screw this up you'll lose my business. So be good and answer my question the right way, and no one gets hurt. Got it?"

I felt nervous. I didn't know what the hell he was gonna ask me. I gulped,

Bobby looked into my eyes and smiled. 

"Tess- Cupid. I've loved you for a while, ever since you first stumbled upon me in a coffee shop, when you made that deal with my father I was ecstatic to be working with you again, and when I heard how well you could play I knew you had to be the one for me. I've come to every show since then and look at you now! Your fanbase is amazing." 

Oh shit. I knew what was coming. Especially when he got down on one knee. I fake smiled the whole way through because if the news went out that I didn't really love Bobby, then my career would plummet. 

Bobby looked into my eyes, it was supposed to be romantic but the way he tried so hard made it rather creepy. He smiled and pulled out a box. 

This couldn't be happening. Not today of all days. 

"Cupid, would you make me the happiest man on earth, and marry me?" He said, opening the box to reveal a ring. All I could do was smile. A very fake smile.  

I had to say yes to his question.  If I said no my career would end, I would never sing again. NEVER. My whole entire life and all my work and dedication would be for nothing. So I did what I had to do.

"Yes Bobby. I'll marry you." 

~A/N: I decided to update this chapter a little because it was brought to my attention that it was kinda all over the place, I wrote it using my writer's block but I guess that's no excuse. I will say that the plot is meant to move rather slow, as there's supposed to be seventeen chapters, but if I want it to move extra slow I'll make it twenty-seven. (I won't do that but it has to end in seven) I would've made it just seven but I want Tessa and William relationship to be a rather slow burn (more like a slow start since literally first chapter we establish they like each other) Thanks for re-reading this (if you did) and thanks, bye!~

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