Chapter Fifteen: The Betrayal

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Connie must be up to something. She was the only one who actually packed things. I watched her set her stuff down and leave, so I quickly got up to go through her bag. 

I unzipped her purse carefully, and didn't find many suspicious things...lipgloss, her wallet, tissues, a pen, nothing...out of the ordinary. 

Then I found something, a hard drive. 

I didn't have a computer, so I had to find a place with one, I searched on my (wiped) phone, for a library nearby, luckily there was one within walking distance (somehow) so I quickly left, my band members were too focused on our situation to care. 

I walked inside the library, and up to a computer, where I plugged the hard drive in. It was a Microsoft word document (lame, Connie!) , which had all my photos, and contacts...why would Connie save this if she was just going to wipe my phone? 

I asked the librarian for a pen and paper, and quickly wrote down the contact info for William and Ivy. Then I put them both into my phone.  I scoured through this document...most of it was...reports, about our band...our demographics, a lot of information about me...but the most surprising thing was the amount of information

About Bobby. 

It wasn't just research, it was pictures. There were addresses to all of his places of work, notes written in a code that I couldn't understand, plans...plans for me and Bobby's wedding. 

Searching through this document, I found information about the place where I had been kidnapped, about William's business, about the jail Bobby had been in...and ways to break him out? 

Then I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. 

"Looking for something, Cupid?" I heard Connie say. 

I turned behind her, and felt a hard punch to my head. 

I woke up later in a chair, my hands taped together with duct tape, and my ankles taped to the chair. Connie must have been getting some kind of sponsorship. There was only a TV in front of me, and I saw Connie in the corner, loading a gun. 

"I see you're finally awake!" she snickered, "So, since I'M the villain now, I'm going to tell you all about my evil plan. You're going to die anyways, so it doesn't REALLY matter, how cliché of me!" 

She giggled. I had never seen Connie like this, she was always so serious...not sinister. 

"As you know, Bobby's plot was to ruin William...your little...silly willy? He wants money, and William's doing better than him so, why not ruin it? The ORIGINAL plan was to marry you two...then William would kill you, in an act of revenge, and get sent off to jail where he would die." 

Connie put the gun under my chin, smirking at me. 

"But you just had to go and make it harder for him!"

She laughed as she pulled the gun away from me, shooting it through the ceiling of whatever place we were in. 

"So...we decided...something else. We have you...and we have William." 

She turned my chair around, and I was facing William, who also had his hands duct taped together. He looked so ho- I MEAN...let's get back to Connie's monologue. 

"Me and my Bobby devised a little plan, we'd announce your relationship publicly, to the entire world, before we announce your suicides! Isn't it romantic? Good thing William already signed off his entire business to Bobby!" 

She laughed. 

"And your deaths won't even be fake! We're going to kill you both, right now!"

She threw an explosive in the middle of our two chairs. 

"I turned on the TV, so you can watch each other's demise...then me and Bobby will have the wedding we've been dreaming about since 8th grade!!!" 

Connie ran up the stairs, and I looked at William. 

"Well at least we're going to die together right?" I said, just now realizing that I could've talked that whole time. 

"No, we're getting out of here. This is a classic action movie, we can't just let the villain win." He said

"But it's a romance book-" I started, but then I was RUDELY interrupted by Ivy. 

Oh wait...Ivy was here? That's crazy! Maybe me and William have a shot at making out in the backseat of a taxi or something!

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