Chapter Fourteen: Escapee

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I woke up in a van, I had no idea where I was, I saw Connie in the rearview mirror, so I felt a little safer. But I was moving, and I didn't know where. 

"Finally you wake up, I packed all your stuff, we're picking up Ezra right now."

I sat up and realized Charlie and Jazz were in the backseat, my band! What was going on?

"Can you tell me why we're here? What is going on?!"

"We're leaving the country for a new record deal dipshit," Charlie said. 

I looked around, none of this made sense to me. 

"Your ex escaped from jail, and we're worried he's gonna find we picked you up, and we're going to see this new guy who will give us a record deal,"

The van's tires screeched outside of Ezra's house as he climbed into the car. 

"Huh!? but what about my home in Seattle? What's- this doesn't make sense- don't we have money? Can't we fly on our jet?"

"News flash," Jazz began, "All that stuff came from Bobby's record deal, while you were off getting your "boyfriend" or whatever, we all had to deal with our band totally tanking. No one likes our music anymore because of your stupid love life. You're fucking oblivious to the world around you because all you care is about is your "little William"

Well, shit. I guess I was pretty wrapped up in my love life, but it wasn't all I cared about, plus what does Jazz know?! This story is about ME. This is a ROMANCE book, not an action movie about a once-famous band escaping from the lead singer's crazy ex, although that would be a good movie, but this story is about ME, and WILLIAM's relationship. 

"So where are we going?"


I squealed! I love Germany. But how would we get there by car? We'd probably be taking a plane from here to there, and we're driving to the airport. 

Just as I suspected, we stopped outside the airport. Connie threw me a wig

"Huh?" I asked

Connie frowned, "Cupid you can't go out looking like yourself. Surely someone would recognize you. Put it on." She handed the other band members some wigs too, and we walked inside the airport. 

It felt weird being on the...poorer side of things. I didn't even realize it at the time, but all the money my band made had gone straight towards new opportunities. I just thought we'd be playing so long that we had to at least earn some things. 

We got through security easily, and got on the plane safely. Being in economy with all these...other people, made me feel weird. 

I tried to do something, but Connie hadn't given me anything. All I could do on the plane was sit there, I wondered how William was doing. Or if my friends were okay. 

We landed in Germany and immediately clobbered into a taxi. My bandmates seemed annoyed, but I was annoyed too. Connie looked back at us. 

"We've found a place to stay that's in the middle of nowhere, Bobby for sure won't find us." 

I sighed, 

"So we're just gonna run from him? How long is this gonna go on Connie?" 

Connie sighed. I saw tears form in her eyes. 

"I..don't know." She said, tears rolling down her cheeks. 

"Aren't the police gonna do something? Is this really logical? Shouldn't there be...something stopping this? Bobby can't just...escape and just be out of jail like that?! Shouldn't we go back? This is cowardly behavior, Connie."

Connie scowled. 

"I know exactly what I'm doing here! Bobby won't find us, why'd you have to provoke that lunatic, Cupid? Couldn't you have just married him?!" She yelled. 

"I love William! Don't you understand that?! I don't wanna marry Bobby just for the band, I want to marry the guy I've liked since 7th grade!" 

"Life isn't fair, Tessa!" she screamed. 

That was weird. Connie never called me by my actual name. I sat back in the seat of the taxi, as we arrived into our new home, for probably forever. 

There was a high chance I'd never see William again, great. Why did this have to happen? I walked to my bedroom, which I was sharing with Connie. It was small, and low-quality...but it would have to do. 

I just sat down on the bed, I didn't have any stuff with me, not like I could unpack. Connie walked in, and tossed me my phone, without saying a word. I opened it, and opened my messages to see if anyone had called me. 

But everything was wiped clean. 

Who would do this? Destroy all my messages, photos, contacts...everything...I even looked in my information and saw my number had been changed. I didn't have anyone's numbers memorized...

The only person who had my phone today was my band. 


She must be up to something. 

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