Chapter Eleven: Saved

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So I was hanging. The men had already gone, but I was left in tears. I think the worst part of this all was the fact that Bobby had been playing me this whole time. I truly thought that maybe he loved me, and I was the bad guy. 

I actually felt bad for Bobby, for just a second. 

He kidnapped me. So I guess I'm here. I tried to swing around, but my wrists and ankles were clamped. Very heavy metal and chains. I tried to move my mouth the try and get the tape off. 

Nothing worked.

I looked around the room. I noticed my cell phone on a table, and I could tell it was lighting up. I wondered if William knew. I wondered if my band members knew, or Connie.

I looked around a bit more. The room was bare and dingy. Dirt and mildew everywhere, and this brownish-yellow lighting all around. I heard footsteps. 

"Tessa, I've come to visit you." Bobby said, smirking.  

I just stayed silent. 

"What's wrong? Can't seem to speak huh? "

I wanted to stab him in the throat. Maybe choke him. No, I bet he'd enjoy that. 

He came closer to me, I felt very disgusted, so I turned my head away. I felt him grab my hair. 

It hurt. 

A lot. 

He ripped off the tape on my mouth and my first instinct was to scream. 

So I did. 

"Woah there." Bobby said. He put his hand over my mouth to silence me. 

"Don't scream now." He took his hand away from my mouth, and what was I going to do, listen to the man who kidnapped me?


He shrugged. 

"Guess it's just the order of business, love." 


Bobby snickered and took a couple steps back. 

"No can do. You're the one who cheated on me."

I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

I heard the people upstairs yelling for Bobby. 

"I guess I've got to go. Don't be too loud."

Bobby walked back up the stairs and I heard him and other men talk about leaving. That would mean I was alone, not like that would be of any use. 

I started sobbing. I didn't have anyone to help me, I'm sure no one knew where I was. 

I felt terrible, and I was shaking. My whole body hurt. 

I heard the doors slam, and then I heard much more noise. 

I didn't understand what was happening. I heard a lot of yelling, not just from the men...but other people were there. I heard other voices too, which I couldn't quite make out. 

But there was one voice in particular which stood out...


Although, I was so dazed...I couldn't focus on his voice...or any of what he was saying. I began feeling lightheaded, and my vision became warped. 

I passed out. 

I woke up in the hospital, bandages around my legs and arms. The hospital was so bright in comparison to the basement, that I thought I would go blind. 

I sat up in my bed, to see Ivy smiling at me, and William next to her. 

He ran over to my bedside. 

"Tessa! You're okay!" 

He threw his arms around me. I caught a glimpse of Ivy's smirk before I hugged him back. 

She stood up. 

"I'll leave you two alone." 

She winked broadly and I rolled my eyes. William sat down on the chair next to me. 

"I thought you weren't going to make it. They got you pretty bad." 

I looked down at my hands. 


I started to remember what Bobby said.

"Hey, what is your beef with Bobby?"

He shrugged. 

"I did this thing for a huge presentation, but Bobby's dad copied my idea. One of the original judges on the presentation team filed a lawsuit while your band was starting up. I'm assuming Bobby roped you in."

So my whole career was a lie, that brought my self-esteem way down...

"That bastard's arrested now. The word is out, and I know your manager told Ivy about other companies that may want to do a deal with you." 

I looked at him for a second. 

"Look, I'm just happy you're okay. I care about you a lot and-" 

I grabbed his face and kissed him. 

"I missed you." I said, smiling. 

He smiled back at me. 

"Would you maybe...think about us? Being together again?" He asked me. 

I looked down. I would've said yes immediately, but I had this feeling. Bobby's people were still out there, I didn't want anything to happen to me or to William.

"I'll have to think a little bit." I beamed. "But we're definitely not just friends."

I kissed him again, and we talked for a few more hours. It really felt like nothing had changed. 

~A/N: Hi, this will be kind of a long author's note. This chapter is pretty short, as I didn't know what to put in it...but...this chapter is dedicated to my friends' relationship, William and Tessa. They actually like each other irl, I'm not silly goofy, and they started dating a while ago- honestly I feel like this fic was a lot less serious especially when William wasn't reading it but it's fine, I like their relationship. Quite honestly their actual relationship is nothing like this fanfic, but I at least try to make it...somewhat accurate. Especially since Tessa is not a huge rockstar, and Bobby isn't a real person. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who reads this, it really helps a lot, and I'm sorry chapters have been kind of slow recently, I've been really upset with a few of my life choices, so I'm not in the best mental state right now. My health feels kind of wonky and I'm busy with all my personal stuff, but I really try to get these chapters out as soon, and as quickly as possible. So thanks for reading!

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