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Steve curses under his breath and you could see the internal battle as to weather to continue or not. After a long moment, he simply smiles at you and helps you to stand, lips briefly brushing against your forehead. "Come on. I want you to meet them." He mumbles against your skin, goosebumps rising all over from the feel of him so close. 

Unable to even catch your breath to even reply, body far too flustered for that, you manage a nod and Steve takes hold of your hand to guide you into the hall where two people were hoicking bags inside from their lavish car. 

A man in his mid-forties was wearing a sour expression as he set down a brown thread suitcase just by the door. He had stern features, slightly receding mousy brown hair and pale blue eyes. He was handsome in a way, but it was entirely ruined by the scowl he wore when he looked at his son. His eyes turn to you and soften just a fraction as he offers a nod in greeting. "Happy Thanksgiving, Steven. Who's this?"

His mom on the other hand was gorgeous. You could see Steve got his looks from her, all flowing brunette hair and tender hazel eyes that were full of joy as she set eyes upon her son. She drops the holdall she was carrying and crosses the distance between them, pulling a less than enthusiastic Steve into a taut hug. One arm hugs her back but the other remains at his side, holding your hand. 

"Mom. Dad." He says to them, forcing a smile that didn't reach his eyes at all. He was as uncomfortable as you were, though for an entirely different reason. "This is (Y/N), my girlfriend. Hope you don't mind, she's joining us for Thanksgiving."

"Mind? Of course not, sweetheart." His mom turns her attentions to you with a warm smile as she pulls you in for a hug as well. You freeze. Your hand squeezes Steve's, who issues one in return aiming to comfort you. Your free hand acts on your behalf, half-hugging her back as a small chuckle slips free of your lips. "Oh, it's uhh.. It's lovely to meet you, Mrs Harrington."

And it was. You think. You just wanted her to let you go.

The door is closed. Steve's dad steps closer to him, regarding him coolly. "Some warning would have been nice. Does she not have her own family to spend time with?" You hear him mumble under his breath to his son as Steve's mom releases you and you fix your attentions to him. 

"My parents are dead, sir." You say, deadpan. "So, no, I don't have anyone else to spend it with, but if I'm not welcome..."

He has the good graces to look appalled at his own actions, hurrying to stutter out an apology. "No, no, of course you're welcome. I apologise. A ten hour flight has me a little cranky, you understand?" A forced and awkward laugh, one that you don't return though you do smile. "Of course. It's lovely to meet you, Mr Harrington."

A quick side-glance at Steve shows him struggling to stifle a smile, obviously amused at how you'd left his father backing down instantly. A first. 

"Would you like some help with your bags?" You ask and his mom cuts off any reply from his father. "Of course, but not from you, honey. Let the men do the heavy lifting, I need a glass of wine."

"At 10am?"

She pauses to look at her husband, before looking back at you with a look she assumes you will understand, though you don't. "Yes. Absolutely." She says, snickering as she takes your free hand and pulls you along with her to the kitchen. 

You look over your shoulder at Steve, who gives you an enthusiastic nod to let you know it was okay. That you'd be safe. It does nothing for the fluttering in your stomach, but everything for the blooming in your chest. God, he was so perfect. He understood you so well, with even just a small glance. 

It makes you smile as you enter the kitchen with his mom, her leaving you almost instantly to get a bottle of white wine from the fridge and pour herself a glass. She offers one to you, but you refuse. "I don't drink, but thank you." In truth, you'd never tried, but you'd witnessed the aftermath of it and heard all about it. It didn't sound fun at all.

Surrender // Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now