Chapter 28

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||I know I haven't updated in a while but I am back now and it's just about summer time so hopefully I can get back into writing again! Updates will probably be a little slow for a bit but I will do my best to stay on top of this book! I promise.

ALSO: Should I try finding pictures of what I picture the characters as?||


After Markus sat down on the bed he took a deep breathe and looked at me, causing my eyes to immediately go to the floor and my knees drawn up to my chin, placing my feet on the edge of the chair. I heard him sigh but just continued staring at the white carpet.

"Okay, Cheyenne I know you're extremely mad at me, and probably overly confused as to why you are here," he spoke, sounding so broken, "I know that, and yet I still can't bring myself to let you go."

My arms tightened around my legs at that statement. Never being able to leave this place?

Fuck. No.

I was going to leave, no matter what.

"I'm so sorry for kidnapping you, I'm so sorry for disrupting your life, but I did it because I love you. I love you more than you can understand right now, and I'm not sure how to explain it to you."

Okay, he needs to leave, I thought as I stood up. I pointed to the door, glaring at him, and once he started to move toward it I grabbed a notepad and scribbled down what I wanted to say.

'Words don't fix actions. You're taking what you did way too lightly. You ripped me from my life and stuck me in this house. I can't forgive you, especially if you plan to keep me here. Don't talk to me, don't come near me, don't even fucking look at me until you can see how crazy you are and let me have my life back.'

I ripped it off of the pad, crumpling it slightly, and then shoved it into his hand, ignored the super strange sparks, and pushed him out the door. One he was away from the door I slammed it then locked it behind him.

After that was over I slammed my right fist into the wall next to the door, startled to see it break under the pressure and show the supports in the wall.

Shit! How did I do that? I looked at my hand to see no visible damage to it and shook it out nervously. What was going on with me?

I closed my eyes and shook my head, the wall was probably just weak in that spot. Maybe someone had broken it before.

I turned away from the wall and went into the bathroom. Turning the handle slightly I rinsed my hand off because it had a little dust on it from the wall.

Wiping my hands on my sweatpants, I walked back into the bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed I started thinking about how trapped I am in this house.

I'm surrounded by people I don't know, isolated from the people I care about, and stuck with a strange voice in my head that I don't understand why it's there.

It was then I realized how alone I was in the situation. Sure, some of the people here seemed nice, like Sarah and Casey but they weren't actually helping me to escape from here and get back home. That made them part of the enemy. The only people that wouldn't be included in that group would be my homies - the kids at the kids table.

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