Chapter 22

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After talking with Dr. Martha I left and went back to the pack house. The sun was already setting and it had been an exciting day.

I quickly slipped into the pack house and made my way to my room. Most of the people were already asleep or in their rooms, or else they were out working.

The warriors and those directly related to the Alpha, Beta, and Delta stayed here. We also had an extra floor for when werewolves from other packs came to discuss official matters.

Before entering my room I paused in the hallway and listened closely, I heard my mates soft breaths reassuring me she was still there and asleep.

With that though in my head I went into my room and climbed under the fuzzy blankets.



After the shower I had found the walk in closet filled with clothes. Sarah and Casey must have gone shopping, but how did they afford this?

Actually... I did find like $600 in the desk. They are probably just rich or something.

I grabbed some dark jeans and a long sleeve shirt, displaying the cover of the album Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade, one of my favorite bands. Then I went over to the dresser just outside of the closet.

I opened the left top drawer to find socks and then in the right one underwear and bras.

I grabbed what I needed and went back into the closet to change. At the back there was a full length mirror which I avoided while I was changing, not wanting to see the scars.

Once I was done I stepped back out and put the dirty clothes underneath the bed, an old habit of mine because I could never stand having a laundry hamper in my room.

I turned and noticed something on the nightstand. I looked again and saw that it was my bracelet. I quickly grabbed it and studied the different charms, making sure they were all there, before sliding it on.

It was a Pandora bracelet, with five charms on it. It still had plenty of room on it, but the charms meant so much it didn't matter.

I kept them in order from when I got them, oldest on the right newest on the left.

The oldest was from my parents, well, it was the stone from my mother's engagement ring, taken and put into a charm. I was known for losing rings so I had it made into a charm and got a bracelet for it to go on.

The next one was the first birthday gift Owen had ever gotten me, a simple charm that just had '18' on it but it holds wonderful memories.

The third one from the right was a graduation cap, showing that I graduated from high school (duh) and it was given to me by my principal for being valedictorian of my class.

The second to last one was a charm given to me from a Secret Santa party we did last year at work. It was of a martini glass and had come with a note saying that I make the best martini even though I wasn't old enough to drink one. Yes, I just turned 21 a couple months ago, and I had still worked as a bar tender.

I'm pretty sure it's against the law but the owner didn't care and I know a guy who makes amazing fake IDs.

The most recent charm was one from Owen, he had been saving up his money for it, he had told me, and it was beautiful.

It was a gold charm with a raw, uncut emerald in it, the charm version of my dream engagement ring.

He hadn't proposed, he said it was a promise ring (or charm?). He had promised to be true to me and that once we had both finished college he would prove to me that he was worth marrying. Of course, I already knew that he was way more than just worth marrying.

I had let him have his moment though, but I wish I had told him how I felt at the time, because now I was stuck in some creep's house with no way to escape.

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