Chapter 23

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I awoke to a little girl's scream that had my shooting up out of bed. Before I could open my door though, my hand was a couple inches away from the handle, a voice shouted, "OH MY GOSH C, YOU'RE AWAKE!"

I sighed in relief, the scream just must of been Shelby realizing her friend was awake and well. I ran my hands over my face, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.

I opened the door to see Cheyenne doing her best to calm down Shelby without being able to speak.

She looked beautiful, she was wearing dark jeans and a Mayday Parade top, a great band. Her hair was up in a neat bun that looked wet but I couldn't be sure because of her black hair.

I stepped into the hallway and picked up Shelby, "Now Shelby, please try to be quiet, some people like sleeping in around here."

"Sorry Markus," I had told everyone to address me as Markus rather than Alpha in my mate's presence until she was okay with the fact that we were all werewolves, "I just got super excited because C is awake."

I just smiled at her, "Well then why don't you head downstairs and get breakfast ready for you two?"

"Good idea! Come on C, lets go!" Shelby jumped out of my arms and grabbed Cheyenne's hand, tugging her towards the stairs while my mate followed quickly.

She quickly picked up the five-year-old and placed her on her shoulders. I was surprised she had enough strength to do that since she had been asleep for such a long time and hadn't been getting all the nutrients it could use, just what she needed. But I guess she was a werewolf, even though she shouldn't actually notice anything different about herself until she shifted.

I felt myself smile as my wolf spoke to me, 'She'll be a wonderful mother one day.'



After I had tried sneaking out of my room Shelby saw me, which wasn't actually a bad thing. She was so cute, I couldn't help but love her!

The only bad thing is that she screamed, loudly. She woke up Markus, and who knows who else, and he came out after she shouted that I was awake.

I had tried to keep her quiet but without being able to speak it was hard.

Markus stepped into the hallway and picked up Shelby, "Now Shelby, please try to be quiet, some people like sleeping in around here."

"Sorry Markus," she spoke, "I just got super excited because C is awake."

He just smiled at her, "Well then why don't you head downstairs and get breakfast ready for you two?"

"Good idea! Come on C, lets go!" Shelby jumped out of Markus' arms and grabbed my hand, tugging me towards the stairs and I quickly followed her.

I picked Shelby up and placed her on my shoulders, making her giggle, and I started down the stairs.

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