Chapter 3

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I sighed as I ran my fingers through her hair.

Why couldn't she have been a werewolf?

'Just because she is a human doesn't mean she won't understand what a mate is,' my wolf told me.

Yes but she has a boyfriend, if she was a werewolf I wouldn't have to deal with that.

'She will understand and he won't compare to her soul mate, you just have to explain the situation and make her trust you. It might be hard since you decided to kidnap her.'

I know it wasn't the smartest idea but I didn't know what else to do! She kept ignoring me and... No, I so must seem like a total creep to her now!

'No, really?'

I blocked out my wolf, focusing on the girl in the backseat with me, we were almost to the pack house and I was trying to figure out what room to put her in.

I could put her in my room, but I'm pretty sure she already thinks I'm a huge creep, so I'll give her her own room.

"Guys, I don't even know her name," I told Jason, who was driving, and Antonio.

"Don't worry, you'll find out," Antonio said from the passenger seat, they both already found their mates and I was jealous for a long time before I realized that I'd find my mate when it was time.

I sighed and nodded my head, silently agreeing.

We pulled up to the pack house, it was pitch black outside so everyone except for the guards on patrol was asleep.

I carefully carried my mate up to the house and to the fourth floor, the top floor.

I opened one of the spare rooms and carefully set her down on the bed. I made sure it was one connected to a bathroom just in case she had to use it.

I quickly went to my room as grabbed a few pairs of sweatpants and shirts, setting them on top of the dresser in her room. I'd have to take her shopping once she accepts being here.

I quickly left, locking the door from the inside so no one could get in and disturb her.



All I saw was darkness, everywhere, just black no matter where I looked. I couldn't move, so I focused one trying to wiggle my toes.

I felt something soft all around me but I wasn't quite sure where I was. I slowly, very slowly, began to get feeling in my feet back, being able to wiggle them.

I gradually got back the ability to move my body, but I could only slightly move it, too tired to actually be able to get up.

I slowly opened up my eyes, letting them adjust to the brightness of the room. The windows were letting in a ton of natural light and it hurt my eyes.

Once my eyes had gotten used to the light I slowly made my way to the edge of the bed, not recognizing where I was.

The room had baby blue walls with a white textured ceiling and white carpeted floors. There was a door across from the bed, which was against the wall in the middle of the room, and one on the wall to the left of the bed.

There was a long dresser and a desk both pushed up against the wall and there was two nightstands on either side of the headboard.

I slid off the bed, balancing on my feet was hard, it felt like I hadn't used them in forever. I took small steps towards the dresser, seeing clothes on it.

I was still in my gray leggings, navy tank top and red sweatshirt which I was thankful for. I didn't want that creep even looking at me without clothes on.

I picked up the clothing letting it unfold in front of me. I groaned quietly when I realized it was guy's clothing.

Now, don't get me wrong, men's sweatpants are the comfiest thing ever, but this freak wanted me to wear his clothes?

I would wear his pants, but I'm keeping my sweatshirt.

I walked to one of the doors and opened it to find a bathroom. I opened all of the cabinets to find a toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, toilet paper, shampoo and conditioner, two different body washes, a hair brush, hair ties, a comb, and men and woman's deodorant.

I quickly grabbed the desk chair, thankfully it didn't have wheels, and the pants I would be wearing. I brought them into the spacious bathroom, set the pants on the counter next to the stuff I found and shut the door.

I put the chair under the door handle, trying to do that thing people do in movies to make other people not be able to get into the room, and locked the door. I know, I could've just locked the door but the creep probably had a key.

I took the quickest shower of my life and quickly got dressed, using the same underwear and bra from before, calm down, they were fresh after I showered yesterday and there is nothing else for me to use!

I quickly slid into the gigantic sweatpants and tied them to the side with a hair tie. I pulled my hoodie over my head and but my hair into a messy, wet bun after I brushed it, securing it with two hair ties.

I quickly set my tank top and leggings under the bed and rushed back into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put deodorant on.

I wouldn't have done all that but I hated feeling dirty, and it was as close to completely clean as I was gonna get.

I put the chair back and tossed the towel in the corner of the bathroom, not knowing what to do with it.

Once I was all situated I went to the second door and tried the handle only to find it locked. I sighed in frustration then I saw that the lock was on the inside and not the outside.

I quickly unlocked the door and quietly swung it open.

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