Chapter 21

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||This would've been put sooner but I dropped my phone in a puddle and it has been in a bag of rice for two days.||


After Dr. Martha made us some green tea I explained to her what happened after I left, everything. She was one of the only people I could talk to and trust her not to tell anyone when I was dealing with something personal.

She was like a therapist, and was actually certified as one, and she always knew just what to say.

She just sat and sipped her tea, listening to me tell the story, and she looked up when I was done.

"Well it sounds like the procedure might have worked, the one Konnor tried on Cheyenne. She might not have even realized she was hiding her own scent, and she probably had been trying to figure why there was suddenly a voice in her head without appearing to be crazy. That might be why she had been acting so calm, she was probably too deep in her thoughts to actually realized what had happened to her."

The handle of the cup I was holding cracked under my grip on it from the mention of Konnor's name. I quickly set it down and apologized but Dr. Martha didn't seem to care.

"You need to focus on gaining the trust of your mate. It might be easier after what happened to her, or it might be harder than it would have been, it depends on how it affected her mentally." She told me.

"Gain her trust then tell her and show her what you are, what we all are here, and then maybe she'll understand what's happening in her own mind. I can try more tests, but we won't know for sure until she knows."



What do you mean 'shift my body'?

After I asked that the voice went silent. I kept trying to get it to say something but it wouldn't speak again.

I just thought and thought for a while, until I got bored of running the same information through my mind.

I focused on opening my eyes, being aware of your body yet being confined to your mind was very annoying, to try to wake myself up.

It finally worked, and I awoke to a dark room, surprising after getting used to being blinded by lights when I wake up. It wasn't the hospital, it was the room I woke up in the first day I was here. I almost escaped that day.

I'll have to think of another plan, which will be hard, since I like to write stuff down to work out my thoughts but I can't risk leaving any evidence for Markus to ruin my plans.

I slid out of the bed and pulled back the curtains on the windows, surprised to see the sun either beginning to rise or just ending setting. I wasn't sure if I was facing east or west.

I turned to the door I remember being a shower, and walked to it, turning the handle and opening it.

My hand went to the wall and flicked on the light switch to find the the same bathroom as before with white tiles and the same baby blue as the walls in the bedroom. The corner shower had clear doors and was in the back left corner from the door. The sink to the right of the door had a large mirror above it, with the toilet next to it. There was a cupboard to the left, facing the sink, with towels and stuff in it.

I quickly locked the door, too tired to use the chair, and got undressed. I checked the scars in the mirror, the ones on my left thigh and right arm still visible, but the one on my back was almost gone.

I turned away from the mirror, not wanting to look at it more than needed.

I stepped into the shower to find new shampoo, conditioner and body wash in the place of the other ones that I had used. Maybe Casey and Sarah had actually gotten me things.

It was strange, why were the majority of the people being nice to me when I was kidnapped? Weren't they supposed to be mean and torture me, kind of like what that one guy did.

I still didn't know his name! Or how long he had me! Or what month it was!

I had to question the next person I saw.

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