Chapter 8

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I ended up seated at what appeared to be the 'little kid's table.'

I was fine with it though because they were all adorable and I always fit in best with children.

Seated around me at a circular table was (going from left to right) Shelby, Mandie, Jenny, Colby, Ryan, Steven and Robbie.

I wasn't really eating much, just some apple slices since I wasn't really hungry, but the kids and I were all having fun.

Their ages ranged from 5 to 8 and they were all little angels. I took a sip of my chocolate milk and leaned back in my chair.

I had never wanted kids but I always loved them, I just didn't want that much responsibility placed on my shoulders.

Shelby nudged my side, "C, are you okay? You have a really serious look on your face!"

She's too cute, "Don't worry, I'm fine! Just thinking about stupid stuff!" I told her.

She seemed happy with my answer and she turned back to Mandie, the girl next to her.

Suddenly, all of the people at the giant adult table stood up and the dudes left and the girls came to get the children.

They all started leaving the room and a woman grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the door. I pulled my arm away from her, "What the fudge do you think you're doing?"

She just rolled her eyes at me, "We have to get to the safe house!"

"Is there candy there?"

"No!" She shouted annoyed.

"Then I'm not going," I told her crossing my arms.

She groaned and pulled me with an extreme amount of force causing me to stumble forward.

"Why do we even have to go to this safe place?" I questioned her.

"Because rogues are attacking! We have to hide!" She told me, pulling me some more.

"Why hide when you can fight?"

She looked at me like I was nuts then kept pulling me outside and towards a large building that looked like a big house.

I stopped struggling and just followed her since it was obvious I wasn't going to win. She still kept a strong hold on my elbow though and wouldn't let go.

Suddenly I was pulled my wrist the other way, her hand being yanked away from my elbow.

A hand flew over my mouth and all I could see was the women's scared expression as she screamed.

I was struggling against the hold of the stranger but I couldn't break free. I felt a prick in my neck and the world became fuzzy and then turned black.

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