Chapter 51

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I was frozen. Was I really talking to Cheyenne?

"Hello?" Her voice echoed to me from the phone's speaker.

"Cheyenne, is it really you? Where are you? Have you called the police yet?" Questions seemed to spill out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"The police were called, and I'm at a gas station. Owen," She seemed to hesitate before continuing with her next statement, "How long have I been missing?"

My heart wanted to break at how soft her voice was, "You've been missing for over four months now."

She was silent for a few seconds, and I didn't know what to say. I had no idea what she had been through so I couldn't offer her the correct words because I didn't know what they would be.

"Will you meet me at the police station?" Her voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course, I will be wherever you want me to be."

"Thank you."

With that, she hung up, but I could hear her holding her tears back. I could always tell when she was sad because she would try to hold her emotions behind her neutral expression. It would work, except sadness. Her tears could be heard in the pitch and steadiness of her voice, and it was a dead giveaway for anyone that knew her.

Slipping my cellphone into my pocket, I all but ran to the front door and pulled on my shoes, grabbed the keys before shutting and locking the door behind me. While in the car, I dialed the number for the police station and put in my Bluetooth earpiece and waited for someone to pick up.

As soon as I heard someone say a greeting on the other end of the line, I spoke, "Hello, this is Owen Williams."

"Oh, Owen! We were just about to contact you. We got a call from someone saying that Cheyenne showed up at a gas station about 20 miles outside of the city," The familiar voice of one of the police officers spoke through the phone.

"I know, Cheyenne called me. I am on my way to the station now so I can be there when she arrives."


Waiting at the station made it feel like time was moving slowly, or rather, wasn't moving at all. Sitting down while Cheyenne was finally nearby felt impossible, so I was pacing the room. Time was still moving slowly, but at least I wasn't sitting and staring at the clock or out the windows.

Every time the door opened, my body immediately turned in its direction, hoping to see her walk through that door, but it was usually just another police officer that had heard about the good news and wanted to be there when she came in. A few people had greeted me, but most had known not to disturb me and just leave me be until Chey was in the vicinity.

The main door opening made had my head immediately swiveling to find a police officer enter the room, but stopping to hold the door open for someone following them. A few steps behind, enough for there to be a pause after the officer began to hold the door, entered Cheyenne.

She was a mess, with her hair tangled and dirt rubbed into her clothes and skin, she appeared as if she had been in the woods for at least a few days. Her eyes scanned the room, stopping once they fell on me.

"Owen," she breathed, relief clear on her face.

I immediately cleared the distance between us and took her up into my arms, being careful but also putting enough pressure into the hug to let her know that I was there for her. She buried her face into my chest, and I placed my chin on her head.

"Chey," I whispered to her, "I'm so sorry."



I looked up from the hug to see Owen's face staring down at me with the most love I had ever seen from him. But his words held a sadness that I didn't expect.

"I am so sorry, I should have been there to protect you-"

I immediately cut him off, "No, none of this is your fault. I do not expect you to be my bodyguard, you are my boyfriend. I need you to love me, people just shouldn't be doing terrible things."

I stared into his eyes, willing him to understand. I didn't remember anything from the past four months, just the past two days or so, so I couldn't blame him for anything. I knew he would only want to protect me, but I just needed his comfort. I didn't understand anything that was happening, and I needed him to be my rock.

"Okay," he said, albeit reluctantly, and pulled me back in for a hug before I had to go in and be questioned.

They had decided that I could take a couple of hours for questioning before going to be checked out by a doctor. Typically, they would immediately take me to the doctor, but since they didn't find me, rather I just showed up at a gas station, they wanted to get as much of a headstart on finding my kidnapper as possible. They still didn't realize I didn't remember anything about being taken.


After having a few moments with Owen, I had to be taken to an interview room. It wasn't one of those cold, gray rooms they use to interview suspects. Instead, I was in what looked like a conference room, but it was just me and two officers. They were setting up recording equipment, both audio and video, and I was just waiting to get started.

Someone had asked if I needed anything, which resulted in them going to get me some water, and then I was left waiting again.

Once everyone was settled, and I had received my water, I was left in the room with just myself, Detective Edward Jones, the lead detective on my 'case,' and Officer Thomas Gand, one of the officers that had been working on the case.

"Alright, Cheyenne," Detective Jones started, "Let's just start from the beginning. What do you remember about the day you went missing, Friday, April 26th, 2019?"

"I remember having classes, and then my boyfriend, Owen Williams picking me up and dropping me off at work. I work at Liquidity, the bar and club, as a bartender. After I got out of work at probably 2 AM, I started to walk home and sent Owen a message saying I was on the way. But I must not have made it there," I internally grimaced at myself. Who walks home alone at 2 AM? I did it all the time, but after being kidnapped, I was having second thoughts.

"You don't remember anything else about that day?" Officer Gand questioned.

I took a deep breath, knowing that it was time to tell them that I didn't actually remember anything about being kidnapped.

"Well, I actually don't remember anything before about two days ago."

They both paused, the looked at each other before the detective spoke.

"What exactly do you mean?"

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