2023 Update *Super important update about the future of the sequel and more*

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Update from January 18th,2023

I'm still here! This pic above is my proof to you that I'm alive and healthy! I'm back and will finally be able to work on my books more frequently.

This update is a long one so before I ramble cause I know I will... Firstly, I would like to apologize (Yes, again) I know it's been exactly 4 years and 18 days since I last updated this book (not including the last 3 chapter before this one) but I'm officially back and honestly feeling better than ever!

I've been working on all of my stories, some of them I'm still planning and rewriting the plots but I'm finally making progress and I can't wait to share them with you all! Updates won't be as fast as they use to be when I was still in school but at least. I'll be updating more than twice a year! I plan on publishing a chapter at least once or twice a month now.

All chapters for every book published is currently being edited for any grammar or writing. mistakes and I plan on giving these books a FRESH makeover! LOL, see what I did there?

Anyway, I will be updating all the covers however it will take time before the covers are revealed. Mainly due to the fact I'm waiting for my newly bought iPad to arrive, I'll be using a whole bunch of different animating apps and programs to creating these covers to show these books the love I'm willing to put into them. So, all this may take a while but do your best to keep an eye out for these updates and changes!

Now to catch you all up on me since I feel it's only fair that I tell you why I haven't updated since 2019. I should publish this on my Author-Chan book (I still will) but I'm updating it on here as well that way all of you who have loved my work on this book will surely see this update, so you know I still plan on continuing this story. I warn you though, quite a bit has happened these past 4 years so be prepared cause I know I'll very likely ramble.

WARNING: Sexual Trauma, Harassment (in general) will be mentioned. If you want to read this chapter but not those parts I will put it in italic and underline along with warning emojis with it that way you know where it is and can easily skip it.

⏩Or you can find the other Red exclamation mark with the word warning, it will take you straight to the better part of the updates of what been going on with me.

So, in 2019 I 18 years old and was still in school (go figure). I had your every day standard teen issues (homework, dumb fellow student trying to drag me into their drama, friend drama, chores, and for those of us with sibling's baby sitting and or family arguments.)

You know, the full nine yards of bull crap most of us dread that some others may thrive on (I never understand it but hey if they like face planting themselves in literally horse shit just to feel like they achieved something why stop them?)

Anyway, for those of you who follow my author-chan book you know I didn't graduate until 2021... when I was 20. As you all are probably aware of schools age limit is 21, so I was pretty damn close to falling of that cliff.

To explain why I graduated at 20 I failed in 1st grade due to trauma impacting me heavily to where I barely functioned properly, and I failed in 6th due to still recovering from that trauma and also just because my science teacher stuttered a lot, and I couldn't understand him which is why I was two years behind (I'm not blaming my former science teacher, no one knew that he had disease that made him stutter, plus I should have tried harder to understand. Which that teacher recently passed. RIP Mr. Giza, you will be missed.)

With that explained you can probably see why I didn't update for a while. between employers not wanting to accept GED's and adults telling us we won't get good jobs without at least a high school diploma I was honestly scared for my future.

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