😳Ch.14 Don't be weak😣

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AN; The reason why this ship is taking so long to set sail is because I'm trying to make it seem more realistic. Because it takes time for two different people in their situation to get together. So hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Ch.14 Don't be weak

I stood. I shouldn't have.

Last night when Dream told me to trace my steps, I realized my phone was missing.

The only memories I had left, we're in that phone. And I only had two of them in that device.

I stood because I didn't want to disappoint anyone, they all really wanted me to come. Despite how much of a nervous wreck it did make me, I really wanted to try to be there with them but with my phone and therefore my private things out of my hands and in another I was nothing more than a being of pure anxiety.

I woke up at 2:15am in the morning. I left a note saying I left something behind at school, which I kind of did but now it was at PJ's.

I ran out in the streets. It was still dark, but the sun would rise once it's turned 7am.

When I reached the jocks house it was still dark as it was only 4 something in the morning, and to say I was out of breath is an understatement, but now was the tricky and weird part. How am I going to get inside?

I looked around after crossing out the idea of knocking on the door, I took note of the tree being high enough to get in a window. Heck, if I climbed up to the top I could walk on the roof!

This idea is basically just me trespassing, which I'm not exactly a fan of... I could still just knock... but I doubt he'd wake up.

Welp here goes nothing, I guess.

I used the branches as leverage pulling myself up to the top of the tree, it took a while considering I hadn't climbed a tree in a long time.

Eventually I made it to the top, and carefully made my way to the closest window. Thankfully it was a window leading directly to Pj's room and there he was laying in bed.

' Maybe I can wake him up by knocking?' I thought hoping he was a light sleeper as I carefully reached over and knocked on the glass.

I could in all technicalities just fully commit to barging and trespassing but it's not like I'm going to get away from an athlete, and gym teacher that easily if they mistook me for a thief so I opted for the safer option. I knocked two more times but still didn't get a reply.

I tried again but the only response I got was the sight of a sleeping PJ shifting in his bed each time I knocked. Guess I have to just waltz in.

I sighed hoping I wouldn't be ambushed by the teacher and the jock, as I carefully slid the window open after prying at it for a while.

Making sure the window wouldn't clamp shut I carefully climbed through it into PJ's room, his room was cleaner than I expected. All he had was hoodies thrown here and there with a few athlete things, but besides that his room was clean.

I walked quietly looking in each hoodie hoping it was in one of the pockets. I know he put it in his left-hand pocket but which jacket? It was too dark for me to tell the difference between the said hoods.

The last one to check was the one on PJ, and I cringed. He was laying on his left pocket, my phone most likely being in there.

I quietly walked over knowing momentarily I had to face my fear, I carefully pulled the side of his jacket trying to pull it out from beneath him so I could get my phone.

Once or twice an irritated groan was heard from him, as I pulled on the side, he was asleep on.

I tried my best to not make any contact with him beside his jacket, succeeding in pulling his pocket out I reached in a grabbed my phone.

"Got it." I barely whispered to myself about to leave, but my wrist was grabbed tightly making me yelp quietly.

I was yanked over falling into the bed as my hands were pinned, and a hand held the collar of my shirt. My legs were also pinned down by another pair of legs, I was defenseless.

I struggled against his grip already knowing it was PJ.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?" He asked harshly pinning me to the bed even more as I struggled.

I couldn't help but whimper and tear up as I panicked, my heart raced with fear and something else but mainly fear.

He's touching me. He's touching me and I'm terrified of any contact! 

I tried to speak, to ask him to let me go, I didn't care if it came out strangled or not. No matter how hard I tried to though my brain was completely blank. All I could do was silently cry and shake in his grasp; I tried to make a sound but couldn't find my voice at the moment to even attempt that.

"Well?" He said waiting for my reply as his voice showed he was tired and annoyed, but I could feel his breathe on my tear-stained face.

"P-PJ! I-it's me... F-Fresh...p-please let g-go of me!" I shakily sobbed out as I felt him tense above me.

His hand that held my wrist let go as he turned on the lamp on his bed stand, since he let go and the light turned on, I instantly covered my face shaking violently.

I still couldn't move away since he was still on top of me, so I covered my now tear stained and flushed face with my hands.

"What the hell, nerd...? Do you have any idea how badly I would have beat you if you didn't say anything?" PJ scolded, but I could tell he was trying to be at least less harsh seeing my condition.

I hated it. It made me feel weak, like I couldn't defend myself. Yet I couldn't say or do anything besides trying to hold back a cry.

"...Hey, look I don't know what's up; but if I scared you... I'm sorry. I just thought you were some kind of kidnapper, serial killer, or something..." He said holding himself up with his hands on either side of my shoulders.

I listened but I was still afraid by the contact, he did still have my legs pinned though.

I held back my tears and sobs as much as I could, knowing he was watching me break down. I didn't want to seem weak; I don't want to be weak.

He was going to make fun of me for this for sure, I laid there with no choice but to wait for the insults. Yet they never came.

I flinched as I felt his hand grab both of mine and pulled them away from my face, I looked away not wanting him to see my face. 1. because he would make fun of me, 2. I don't like people seeing me cry, 3. I was embarrassed, and 4) he would see my soul.

He stood silent at first just studying me, then he just sighed frustrated.

I tensed when he pulled me into a hug, as my heart skipped a couple of beats out of fear and another feeling.

Don't be weak.

"Your confusing, ya know Nerd."

AN; Welp, I would say hope you enjoyed this chapter but obviously you did with the small touch of fluff I finally put in this book, so thank you for being patient. Also, more fluff to come in the next few chapters. Glad ya enjoyed!

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