😱Ch.15 Something wrong😖

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AN; Enjoy my amazing partners! Also heads up, prepare for thy feels and thank IdcandUdc they convinced me to give another chapter!

Ch.15 Something wrong

It's been a couple of hours since PJ hugged me and told me to go home and rest.

I walked across the main road still in shock of the events and went to my room. I felt...happy. Even though he touched me by pinning me and hugging me which terrified me; I felt like for once I wasn't as scared of having contact.

I melted into his hug a moment after he held me, it was so...easy... Has it always been that easy?

I couldn't fall asleep at all after that, I just felt too awake.

Maybe Goth's right about me having a crush on him, it's the only way to explain why his hug calmed me down... well, that or I just made having physical contact a bigger deal then I should have but that didn't seem right.

Regardless of this though, I still have an unsettling feeling. Like he watched the video or saw the picture on my phone.

There nothing wrong with the picture, but it was the video. I downloaded the video after finally uploading it from a camera onto a computer. It was the only memory I had left, at the time I hoped it be a good one, but after watching part of it I instead found myself feeling anguish and confusion as I couldn't bring myself to delete it for good.

It was a footage of the whole day, even at night. I know it caught everything, but I was too scared to watch it all the way through.

I wanted to know but am still too terrified to know the truth, yes, I saw it happen, but I didn't know everything, it was like the memories were suppress to the back of my mind. I want to keep it this way but...

That's what always made the situation even worse for me.

The time came for me to get ready, so I did my usual routine and I walked through the halls of school. Like usual Shifteh walked with me, I began feeling slightly uneasy around her.

She walked with me to the courtyard on the school, and everyone was where they usually were. Although there were some changes.

Mr. Ink sat at a bench with Palete, Trinity was blushing as Kai the new monster talked to her, and PJ and his friends still joked around, but he seemed slightly quieter than usual.

Me and Shifteh walked over but I could help but notice a figure in the tree wearing black and white, Cross watched almost amused as he shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

I looked at him confused but he only smirked silently questioning me, but I know for what?

I just continued walking as Cross went back to his phone, I felt like he was telling me something.

But I pushed it aside.

At Gym class we did another obstacle. Mr. Error watching everyone, West passed me giving me and encouraging look as she gave me a thumbs up.

I wasn't the slowest in the class, but I wasn't close to being the fastest; That was PJ's thing.

I suddenly felt someone pull the back of my shirt when I continued running forward, I nearly choked as I fell back; watching the teens that nearly drowned me last time run by.

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