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I walk briskly to my new job, anxiety curls inside of me, what if the Stray Kids don't like me? What if they annoy them or accidently insult them? Oh god.

I take slow breaths to calm myself, fiddling with the ring on my pointer finger. At least I know I look ok. I put on my favorite and most fashionable outfit hoping that this will make me look more confident than I feel.

When I arrive I'm directed and shown around to the boy's make up rooms. I am told I'm just going to be doing two of the members' make up today, Bang Chan and Seungmin volunteered to be my test dummies.

I knock softly on Seungmins door, "Hey Seungmin, are you ready for your makeup?"

In reply the door opens and Seungmin nods, smiling at me encouragingly, "yep, all ready for you Y/N."

Smiling softly I notice one of the other members, I.N, is also here. Noticing that I arrived he stands in greeting, I smile at him and say, "Hello, I'm Y/N, I will be the new makeup artist if this goes well."

I.N's eyes widen and he glances between me and Seungmin, smiling slyly, "Ah, I've heard much about you from Seungmin here," he turns to look at me directly, "From what I have heard, you'll do great."

"Thanks, uh, are you going to be in here too while I do his makeup?"

I.N's smile turns sheepish, "is that okay with you?"

I look from I.N to Seungmin before nodding, "Yeah, I guess it couldn't hurt."

Moving to the makeup station, I start moving around the makeup company provides for the members and getting everything set up. I'm dimly aware of Seungmin sitting down in the makeup chair and talking to I.N, but the sound turns into background noise. I glance at myself in the mirror, convincing myself that I can do this. I am talented, and this is my dream job. I have to succeed. There is no other choice.

Turning I start with some light foundation. The time passes in a blurr, I.N occasionally asks me questions about myself like what were my prior makeup jobs, if I listened to Stray kids and such. Soon enough I finished Seungmin's makeup look, it's pretty basic and more natural looking but really highlights his eyes and his soft features.

I beam a my work before looking into Seungmin's warm brown eyes, "Alright, your makeup is done. How did I do compared to your regular person?"

Seungmin's and I.N's conversation comes to a stop and I.N smiles and nods in approval while Seungmin walks to the mirror. He lifts his hand to touch his face but decides better and lets it drop to his side.

My heart warms when he looks at me through the mirror and stutters, "I- this is... really good. It looks so natural and real. Your skill is a hundred percent better than our normal person. Damn."

Feeling my cheeks heat up I start to say something but Seungmin walks past me in quick strides and leaves the room, dazed, followed by a confused I.N.

Confused, I follow them down a few hallways and when I finally find the room Seungmin went to, I find all of the stray kids surrounding Seungmin. They dottle on him as he shows them his makeup. I guess the last guy was really bad then. I.N notices my entrance and smiles, "Hey guys, here is the artist who created this."

Suddenly everyone turns to me and under their gazes I blush deeply, and I'm sure my cheeks are crimson. I have fangirled over these guys thousands of times. Now all their attention was on me. "Y/N, right?"

Slowly my eyes move to each one, Bangchan with his welcoming smile, Lee Know who raises his eye brows before inclining his head to me. Changbin with his cheeky smile, grins at me, Hyunjin gives me a soft smile, looking at me rather curiously. Then, Han who elbows the person on his right, he seems surprised, and also intrigued. He glances to the right and I follow his gaze until my eyes are caught by his. Felix Lee looks at me a but flustered and more surprised than anyone. He studies me for a moment, his eyes gleam lightly and I can't help noticing how truly beautiful he is.

Oh god.

He looks away glancing to the floor and I do the same, feeling embarrassed and hoping no one else noticed... That.

Bang chan approaches me with a warm smile. "You're doing my makeup today too, right?"

Unable to find words I nod, and thankfully Seungmin comes to my rescue, "Yeah, she may be a little quiet but she's very talented."

The others agree, glancing at their member's makeup before Hyunjin steps up, "Hello ms. Y/N, I'm Hyunjin."

Finally finding the words I smile politely, "Oh, there is no need to call me ms. or anything special like that, besides we'll be spending plenty of time together so might as well get comfortable."

A few of the members nod and they all smile and they are looking at me. I can't wait to get to work with them.

Y/N. Back to reality. This is your job now, get used to it. I glance up to Chan, "Bang Chan, would you like to get started on your makeup now?"

He smiles sweetly again, "Yeah sure, let's go."

We leave and as I walk down the hall I hear different voices saying, "She's very cute."
"Talented." And, "Felix's, what was that?"

Bangchan leads me to his own makeup door and sits down once we are inside. As I get the supplies ready he breaks the awkward silence, "Hey Y/N, how did you learn to do make up so well? Our normal guy basically powders our face in white and calls it good."

I turn around, light foundation in my hand to start again and gaped at him, "What? That's it? No blending, or blushes, highlights, or even contour?"

He shrugs, "I don't think so, his goal was simply to make us look as light as possible."

I hum and start doing his makeup, "Well he was not very gifted then. You always have to bring out a person's best features in your makeup skill, for example, their eyes, maybe their cheekbones or their nose. It depends on the look."

Bang Chan's eyes find mine, I notice they are dark and comforting. The eyes are the windows to the soul. "We are thankful you are here, Y/N. Thank you."

I smile, focusing on my words and work, "It's no problem, I think it will be fun just getting to hang around you guys. You know, I'm actually a pretty big fan. That's why I froze up and was all blushy back there... I don't mean to make that sound weird. I haven't been working my whole life for this job or something."

Bang Chan laughs and I pause the makeup so I don't mess it up, "I understand, it would be pretty odd to be in your position. You'll get used to us soon enough though. we aren't the picture perfect guys you see on the screen."

He stills once more so I can work, I take a brush and swipe it a few times across each cheek bone, "I know, but it still is a little world rocking. I look forward to seeing everyone's true personalities and maybe even becoming friends with you guys, though."

He sends me one more grin, "Then you'll fit in perfectly here."

Smiling widely I pat his shoulder, "Alright, you're all done."

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