A broken Chair

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After I finish I.N's makeup and walk to Felix's makeup room, since everyone's makeup is done except for Felix's. I've been mildly dreading doing his because my nerves are getting the better of me and I'm anxious about saying the wrong thing or make him uncomfortable or... And I'm overthinking it again.

As I step into the room I see Hyunjin's guilty face and I immediately know something is wrong. He looks nervous about something while Felix looks like he's trying not to laugh. Inwardly I groan, "Ok, what happened?"

"Well-" Felix begins, but I cut him off.

"Sorry Felix, but I think I need to hear it from Hyunjin since he looks to guilty."

Felix snorts and looks at his friend who blushes. "Ah, well we where just joking around when suddenly, Felix's makeup chair just breaks out of no where."

I stare at Hyunjin knowing that's not the full truth. He drops his head, probably trying to hide a smile, "Fine, I broke his chair."

Nodding my head I look around, trying to think of anything else we could use, "Are there any other chair around here?"

Felix's head pops, "Oh, yeah there is a stool in a empty room down the hall. It's a storage room."

Smiling at him I turn to Hyunjin, "Cool, would you mind showing me the way, and Felix, when we are getting it can you move the chair out of the way?"

Felix hums and starts to do what I've asked as I follow Hyunjin out of the room. As we walk down the hall Hyunjin says, "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have-"

Before he can to many more guilty feeling or anxiety about it I shake my, even though he can't see me, more out of reflex, and interrupt, "Hey, it's totally fine. I'm not mad, and we can easily fix the problem so it's no sweat."

As we reach the door to the room he turns the nip, smiling at me sheepishly, "ok."

Soon enough we receive the stool and bring it back to the room. Hyunjin excuses himself and as I set my makeup kit out and prepare things I realize we may have a problem.

I turn slowly, looking at Felix who is already on the stool, "Felix?"

His attention immediately snaps to me, "yeah?"

"The only way I'm going to be able to do you makeup correctly is if I stand between you legs so I can get to you. Is that alright?"

He blushes but nods, so I pick up the concealer and start. I walk to him and nervously place myself between his legs. I look into his eyes to make sure he's okay with this and he nods like he's reading my thoughts.

As I start to apply the makeup, my face gets closer to his own, my heart speeds up and my hands get a little clammy. I swipe the makeup onto his face and suddenly the ordinary gesture feels intimate.

My breathing picks up a bit as I try to focus on my job and not his soft pink lips or beautiful brown eyes. Fuck.

I turn away to get some powder only to find Felix watching my every move. Only when he notice my gaze does he look away shyly. At least I'm not the only one feeling this way. But at the thought of him studying my, I took blush. My mind create a million scenarios about what's going on in his head as I continue doing his makeup.

As I cover up his freckles I accidently say, "It's too bad..."

Felix looks at me confused, "What is?"

His Australian accident makes my heart skip and beat and I try not to show my nervousness, "uh, your freckles, they really are pretty. It's too bad I've been told to cover them up."

He nods, "Yeah, a lot of the fans like them but they just aren't super normal so, I don't know, maybe it's better to cover them up."

As he says this he looks away from me and it's hurts to think he believes that, "For what it's worth, I quite like them."

Slowly his eyes find mine, his lips curl up into a smile, "Really?"

When I nod he covers up his face a giggles, smiling brightly I chuckle at him. I'm happy I am able to make him feel better about himself. Though he should realize just how perfect he truly is.

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