Felix is adorable

978 24 4

Felix sighs, it's been about thirty minutes and I'm doing better but I'm definitely still not great. He says quietly, "Y/N, you should get some sleep. Plus, sitting in the bathroom will in no way help."

I frown but nod. But I don't want to go to my room all alone. "Alright." I say softly, now able to speak more easily. The grip of my phobia has lessened but the knot of anxiety in my chest is still heavy.

I still feel like I could be sick.

"I don't want to be alone though." I say quickly before they leave me. I don't mean to be clingy but when stuff like this happens it feels awful to be alone. Felix seems to know the feeling because he nods.

He says soothingly, "If your comfortable with it you can sleep in my room with me." My face flushes red and Bang Chan chuckles before he says goodnight and excuses himself.

Nervously I nod, "Okay. Yeah." Being around him would definitely help my fall asleep.

Felix stands up and gives me his hand to take. He helps pull me up before opening the door and turning off the lights. The rest of the hotel room is silent and pitch black. I expected Felix to let go of my hand quickly but he continues holding my hand, squeezing it gently. Through the dark he guides me to his room.

I'm suddenly incredibly aware of how sweaty my hand is but his hand doesn't retract, in fact he pulls me closer so I don't run into something in the dark. It makes my heart melt.

Our feet pad down the hall, the only sound besides our breathing in the night. Soon enough we get to his hotel room. He opens the door and guides me around his luggage to get inside. He whispers in the dark, "You don't mind sharing the bed, do you?"

By now I imagine both of us are blushing messes but I nod. Then I realize he can't see my silent reply because it's dark. My voice breaks through the silence, "No, it's okay."

Awkwardly there's another moment of silence before he lets go of my hand and gets into his bed, the covers rustling. After a bit of hesitant I follow him and lay down beside him, leaving a good amount of space between us. I sigh sleepily and snuggle into the sheets gratefully, "Thank you Felix." I murmur.

I can feel the bed moving as he turns to his side so we face eachother. I see his shape in the dark, vaguely making out his body, "Your welcome."

I smile warmly, feeling incredibly safe and comforted after such a stressful night. I close my eyes when I hear his voice again, "Are you doing better?"

"Mhm." I hum tiredly, "I'm good."

"Good." He says. Then he moves closer to me, pulling me into him gently.

My body tenses a bit, my face on fire, "Uh... what are you doing?" I ask nervously.

He's quiet for a moment before he says, "I heard that's hugs and things help with stress so..."

Neither of us speak, letting the movement happen. Feeling closer to his body, feeling his warmth. It feels nice.

After a minute or so I murmur, "I like it."

He chuckles, sounding relieved, "I was scared there for a second."

I giggle, "Sorry."

He sighs, his breathe fanning across my face, "It's fine. Night."

I smile fondly, "Goodnight."

Darling ♡ |Felix Lee x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now