I love Thai food.

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As Felix demanded, we are going to some random place he has chosen. His face glows with excitement, dark eyes alight with joy. He holds out his hand and helps me out of a rental car JYP got for the group. He smiles happily, his face slightly flushed. I smile back, warm flutter feeling igniting inside.

He takes me into a nice looking restaurant, fancy but casual enough that what I'm wearing won't be offensive to others. We stand by the door before a waiter guides us to our table with a grin.

The atmosphere is cozy, the lights slightly dimmed though it's midday. Soft pain music plays as a singer sings gently along with it. It feels so warm. Everything is simple yet elegant, little chandeliers and old stained wood tables.

"I hope you like it, I did a lot of research to make this right." He says sheepishly as he sits.

I chuckle, sitting down in the seat in the opposite side of him. "Well it seems good so far."

He chuckles, "That's true."

The waiter silently slips the menus onto our table. Curiously I pick one up, finding a list of simple yet delicious looking Thai dishes. "This  is great, thank you Felix." I look up at him.

His gaze lands on me, looking over at me with adoration. I blush a bit, suddenly nervous. "You deserve it, Y/n." He says quietly, a smile playing in his lips.

I chuckle, flustered as the waiter arrives. We give them our orders and get back to talking as we wait. Felix clears his throat, "I was hoping I'd be able to tell you my feelings at a better time. My plan was to get you flowers and chocolates, as I've heard are good to bring. I guess I haven't really done this a lot so I wanted to make it special. Im sorry for not being able to do that for you."

I roll my eyes but smile, "The way I found out was sweet. I don't need anything more, but thank you for the consideration." I'm touched at how deeply he cared, and how he wanted to impress me. It feels nice, for someone to go so far out of their comfort zone for me.  "Besides, I feel like I would just get awkward if you gave me stuff and I had nothing for you."

He chuckles, the dim lights making him look more defined. "I guess that's true."

I nod, "So... You've liked me for a bit then?"

He looks down, playing with the napkin and utensils at the table. "Uh, for a bit. I mean, I guess it was more like when I first saw you. I just- I was drawn to you. I wouldn't say it was a love at first sight kind of thing but, I knew you'd be important to me."

I immediately melt at his words, "Me too." I murmur, feeling warmth spread across my face as I look at him. His freckles are less easy to see in the darker light, but his eyes are just as kind as always. "I felt like that too."

He shake his head and glanced up at me shyly, "Should've said something sooner then..."

I nod in agreement, my smile never leaving my face, "I guess so."

Felix sighs softly, "I was really nervous for this. I still kind of am."

I raise my eyebrows, "Nervous about me?" I ask playfully.

He doesn't seem to get in messing with him and blushes more, "Yeah."

Giggling I add, "Well I was definitely nervous to. Felix Lee, wanting to go out with me? I was scared I was hallucinating. It was too good to be true."

He laughs, looking at me more openly, "It's not a hallucination. Your great Y/n. You really are one of the most wonderful people I've met."

Before I can say anything the waiter brings us our food. So we eat, we chat about tomorrow, another one of their performances. I'm sure it will be busy tomorrow. But for now, I soak in this moment with the boy I adore. I get to relax, and not have to worry about anything, cause I'm with Felix.

I think this might be the last chapter guys, I'm not sure where to take this. Plus my motivation for it kinda ran out as you've probably noticed. I hope you have all enjoyed this!

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