A Coffee run

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Before rehearsals the next day for that nights concert Felix invites me in a coffee run with him. Normally assistants get it but he claims he needs the fresh air and to get away. I can't blame him.

I stroll alongside Felix as we walk to our destination from the concert center. It's sunny and warm and we chat about the previous night. He shares how it feels to be on stage knowing people he is making the people in the crowd happy. I share how it was to be one of  those people in the crowd and the joy of live music and stray kids all together.

Once we are in the coffee shop our chatter stop and Felix orders eight americano's and one iced vanilla latte for me. The smell is dreamy and the sip is sweet. It reminds me of where I used to work before this and nostalgia hits me like a brick.

At takes a little while for all the coffee to be made and we each cary a drink tray of coffees back to the group.

"Hey, did you see when Lee Know made hearts for a fan, then broke it and grinned. He was so smug it was hilarious!"

Felix grins, "No, but I believe it."

I notice how his smile is more beautiful and bright than the sun above us. I haven't yet down his makeup yet so his freckles are on display and a light blush paints his face. Smiling affectionately I look away. "He's definitely a heartbreaker..."

Felix laughs, "I think that's his life's mission."

Giggling I nod, "Yeah, he's a bit like a cat. But the one who hates everyone. I mean he can be sweet but it's usually just towards Han."

He agrees with a hum, "Han has always been soft towards a everyone, especially Lee Know and I think they've bonded over helping eachother with English and Korean."

Makes sense. We quiet but it's a comfortable quiet. We walk for a little while, we pass buildings and trees that let the yellow light filter through making shadows in the concrete. Suddenly he turns to look at me, his eyes flickering to my lips for a millisecond before he says, "I forgot to tell you earlier, but you look lovely today in that dress. You always look pretty but today you'd seem, well, almost like you glowing."

I blush deeply and smile, "Well you look really beautiful right now too."

The comments makes both of us speechless, not knowing what to say next. Our silence is filled with an old woman's voice, "Oh, excuses me, but I must say-"

We turn to face her a bit confused as she continues, "You two are just the sweetest couple I've seen. You remind me of me and my husband when we where younger."

I laugh awkwardly and Felix respectfully says, "Oh, thank you, Mrs."

The old lady smiles and moves on, shuffling down the street. He turns to me with raised eyebrows, blushing just like me. I break the awkward tension, "Well I did not expect that."

He huffs a laugh, "Me neither, but I'll take the compliment."

His smile grows as I look down to hide my blush which just seems to keep making my face redder. He bumps my shoulder carefully, trying not to spill the coffees. I look up and giggle and once again have my breathe stolen by the ethereal beauty of his eyes.

Glancing down at the coffees I realize so nothing, "Wait, why did you get an Americano if you hate coffee?"

Tilting his head in thought he says hesitantly, "I don't know, I'll probably need the energy?"

I accidently snort in reply, "Yeah right, even though you're one of the most energetic people I know."

He just shrugs and presses his lips together, unable to find a real reason. He balances the tray of coffees on one hand and picks his cup up, "I guess we'll see why."

He brings the cup to his lips and drinks it, his face quickly morphing into one of disgust. Laughter is pulled from me at his ridiculousness, "Good?"

He nods but cautiously sets the drink back down as if it will bite him.

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