The Bathroom Floor

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In this chapter I'll be writing about the reader having Emetophobia, fear of puking, specifically comfort for it. I'm not going to go into too much detail about it. I suffer from it all the time and I have never seen any comfort about it so I decided I'd just do it myself. If you do not have this phobia then you should be okay, but if you need to you can skip this chapter. Also, we all get triggered in different ways for this so this is just the way it happens for me.

                   - Bang Chan's POV -

With a sigh, I get out of bed and walk down the hall for a drink of water. Everyone is asleep and it's almost pitch black. Almost. The bathroom light is on, which I find odd. Me and Y/n share it so she must just be doing her business. I avert my eyes and continue walking down the hall till I get to the kitchen.

Pouring water into a glass I slowly drink, feeling that odd thirst at 3 am when you haven't had water for a while. About ten minutes later on my walk back to my room I see that the light is on. A bit worried I walk over and before I can knock I hear her breathing. It's a shaky sound that makes me worried. I knock on the door gently and call her name. "Y/n?"

                    - Reader's POV -

My breathe gets stuck in my throat and I freeze. Why now? I ask myself. I don't answer, hoping he'll go away, he doesn't. He asks hesitantly, "Can I come in?"

Inwardly I sigh. Not now. I'm gonna be sick, he can't see me like this. I hate when I'm like this. "Y/n?"

"I'm fine, you can come in." I say, knowing that it is the most outright lie I have ever told. I feel nauseous and panicked, I feel like something is crawling up my throat and I can't stop shaking. I try to breathe, to release me anxieties but it won't stop. I'm gonna be sick.

The door creaks open and I look up at Bang Chan from where I sit on the cool tiles and try to smile. His reaction is immediate, his brows furrow and he looks at me with sympathy, "Your not okay."

My breathe hitches but I nod, "I know." My eyes get teary and I quickly try to wipe them with my sleeve. "I'm sorry." My body still trembles, I try my best to stop it but it hurts, and does so until I give up trying to hide it.

Chan crouches down in front of me and looks me over, trying to find an injury that doesn't exist. I'm gonna be sick. My stomach feels to full. I know I shouldn't have eaten so much earlier. He sighs, "What's really happening? Please be honest."

I look away, ashamed. A tear slips down my face and I try not to gag, "I- uh. I feel like I'm going to puke. I know I'm not, but my mind insists. And I can't stop shaking and I really don't want to puke." Just saying the word makes me scoot closer to the toilet, just in case.

Chan looks at me sadly, "How long have you been up?"

"I never went to sleep. I couldn't, not like this." I can't stop shaking and it hurts. Having Chan here feels embarrassing, even if I know I'm desperate for help. I'm going to be sick.

He nods, "You have a fear up being sick?"

"Yeah." I say quickly, not wanting to talk, scared that something other than my voice will come out. My bottom lip trembles, as if I truly am going to be sick. This has happened before but not this bad. It hasn't been like this for a long time.

He sighs, rubbing his head. He lowers himself all the way to the floor until he sits in front of me, "Is there anything I can do?"

I shrug. I really don't know. I've tried all my tricks. Box breathing, though that always makes me feel worse. I've tried counting, naming things in an alphabetical order, listened to music and distracting my mind with scrolling through tik tok. Nothing is helping and I'm exhausted. More hot tears run down my face uncontrollably. I hate this. I hate this so much. I don't want to be sick...

I finally say, "Usually distracting myself helps. But I tried. I- it didn't work." Trying to slow my breathing, it still comes out shakily, not wanting him to see how bad it truly is.

Chan thinks for a few minutes, and as he does he takes my hand. A small sign of comfort, but a heavily appreciated one. "Do you want me to call Felix?"

Shaking my head and say quickly, "No, no. It's three in the morning and he's asleep, I'm not doing that to him. I'm sorry that you're up with me. I'm sorry."

Chan squeeze my hand, "I don't care, I just want you to feel better, okay? And I know that Felix wouldn't care, he'd want to help you too. Can I call him?"

I look at him softly, not ever having anything like this done for me before, still I feel guilty. But with my shaking becoming worse and my stomach curdling I nod. "Okay, okay. Call him."

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