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a/n: finally started rewriting from the start :) (yes this is just me reposting it)

Well aware that she was incredibly late, a good half an hour late, Hyeju casually waltzed into the lecture hall, completely disregarding her professor and his futile attempt to question her. Whoever told her that the lecturers didn't care at uni were obviously lying, they always seemed to be on her case about the lateness. Thankfully, he carried on with the lecture, a room full of young adults to teach genetics, or something, to.

Making it up the stairs and to the back, Hyeju found someone sat in her seat. Obviously it wasn't actually her seat, but Hyeju always sat in that seat. Call her a brat, but that was her seat. Narrowing her eyes at the girl who seemed to pay her no attention, as of yet, Hyeju dropped her bag off her shoulder; she couldn't give less of a crap about her laptop in there.

With a sigh, she mentally psyched herself up to do some talking, to someone that wasn't a friend... damn. Not quite so brave, it took her some time and, in that time, Hyeju couldn't help but notice how... gorgeous the girl sat in her seat really was. She was small - not her usual type - but pretty, very pretty. Like, princess pretty. A royal kind of pretty. (I think Hyeju finds her pretty, not too sure though).

Feeling slightly bothered by the looming presence over her shoulder, the girl looked up at Hyeju, calm and unthreatened. Not bad. Calm, collected, could be cool. "Move." Hyeju started easy, at a low whisper. No one else looked in their direction. The pretty girl didn't seem to move a muscle, apart from lifting her eyebrow. Hyeju didn't know if that was a threat but she was feeling weirdly... threatened.

In what Hyeju could only hope was the smaller girl checking her out, the girl looked her up and down, though it looked a lot more judgmental than Hyeju would've liked. Earphones still shoved in her ears, hood halfway over her head and dressed head to toe in black, Hyeju was very aware she looked like she participated in some sort of dark arts.

When the two girls met eyes, Hyeju took it upon herself to look away, not too good at the whole eye contact thing, especially in the academic environment. "Move." it came out a little stronger, but not too loud at all. The girl made a face, as though to say 'Um, no?'. Hyeju felt offended, "Fucking move.". It wasn't even that loud, yet the whole situation was a bit of a disruption to the class anyway.

"Sorry, what's your name again, notorious latecomer?" the professor asked because, as Hyeju was told, apparently they never remember unless they like you. Hyeju only scoffed under her breath, clearly not having grown out of her high school rebellious phase. Focused on the girl in her seat, Hyeju repeated, "Move.".

For the sake of the class, the professor intervened, "My apologies, Chaewon, but I think it's best you find another seat.". So he knows her name and not mine? Asshole. In reality, the professor was a very nice man, Hyeju was just immature.

Clearly unwilling, the girl sighed as she packed her things up, slapping her laptop down with much more force than she looked like she'd have used. Slipping out of the seat, Chaewon stood ahead of Hyeju, almost like she was squaring up to her, she gave her that same look up and down. To this day, Hyeju wondered if the girl wanted a 'thank you' or something, with the way she stood there so expectantly.

"Move." Hyeju said, it now being her turn to look at Chaewon like she was the difficult one. The girl did exactly so, shuffling a good three or four seats down, while Hyeju gladly dropped onto the seat, instantly slouching once she'd retrieved her laptop and placed it on the inconveniently sized table in front of her.

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