Kei visits!

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Me: Hey guys!

Japeth: Did you bring Aric?

Me: No, but I will next chapter. I'm making up for it to Rhian #2 today.

Rhian #2: How?

Me: Today's react is just a visit, so I brought Kei!

Kei: *runs over to Rhian, then stops, realizing he's being watched, then speaks awkwardly and shockingly at the same time* I thought you were dead. *jerks thumb at Japeth, who sticks his tongue out back at the two* And him too. *points to everyone's favorite School Masters* And them too. Wait, is everyone here dead?!

Rafal: *sniggers* You are too. *glares at me* And that awful person will be in a minute...

Rhian: *smacks his brother, then walks over to Kei and shakes his hand* I'm Rhian, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Kei: *looks confused* But he's Rhian. Why are there two of you?

Rafal: *shoves his brother aside* I named your friend, or as I like to call him, Camepot, after my brother. (Gestures at Rhian) Also, I'm Rafal, the cooler School Master, Master of Evil, and I should be King of the Woods.

Rhian #2: *crosses his arms* I was going to be the One True King, but Japeth messed it all up!

Me: UGH! You are all so infuriating! I guess I have to introduce everyone properly! *uses magic to tie everyone to chairs*

Rafal: THIS IS TYRANNY! THIS IS- *I gag Rafal using magic*

Rhian: Thank you. He hasn't been this quiet when he's near me since, well, ever.

Me: You're welcome. Anyway, Kei, this white-haired maniac sorcerer is Rafal, but you may know him as the School Master. He is also Rhian and Japeth's father. Don't ask me how. The other Rhian, or you could call him Rhian #1, is Rafal's twin brother, and he was the Good School Master while his brother was the evil one. Then his brother killed him in the Great War. And you obviously know Rhian #2 and Japeth. Also, Camepot is a cross between the words 'Camelot' and 'crackpot'. Just so you know, Rafal came up with it.

Rafal: *eats his gag* (I was laughing so hard when writing this part 🤣)


Rafal: Eating my gag, if you didn't notice. It didn't actually taste that bad. 

Kei: *turns to Rhian* Your father is a real wacko.

Rafal: I BET YOU'RE A WACKO YOU WIMPY CAMEPOT- *Rhian kicks his brother in the shins, Rafal recoils in pain* Rhian Mistral, you're nasty and mean and I hate you. 

Rhian: Well, you're acting like a child.

Me: Japeth, you've been oddly quiet today. Anything on your mind?

Japeth: I will silently endure this to get to Aric's visit.

Me: I bet you want to ask him out... 

Japeth: *flushes rose-red* Shut up!

Kei: *goes paper white* A-Aric is coming?

Me: Not today, but I promised Japeth that I'll bring him next time. 

Rhian #2: Can I just leave with Kei? Please?

Kei: Or can you break your promise with Japeth? I mean, that snake does it all the time!

Kei and Rhian in unison: Please?

Me: No.

Kei: You heartless monster!

Rhian #2: You cruel demon!

Japeth: Nice.

Rafal: She's learning the Never ways.

Rhian: *turns to me* I was wondering, are you an Ever or a Never?

Me: I am 70% Good and 30% Evil, so an Ever.

Rhian: *high fives me* Good for you.

Rafal: *whines like a wounded animal in the background* Why do you get all the good students?

Me: *slyly* Ah, so I'm a good student, eh?

Rafal: *facepalms*

Japeth: Can we stop already? 

Me: Fine. You just want to get the chapter with Aric, don't you?

Japeth: Of course I do.

Rhian: If you have an idea/suggestion/ship, comment it below!

Rafal: Have a repulsive day.

Me: See ya!

Kei: It was nice seeing everyone! Bye!

Rhian #2: Goodbye!

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