Aric visits! (And Japeth falls in love again 😋)

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Me: Hey! What's up, Mistrals?

Rafal: What's up, you say? Well, maybe your DOOM is up.

Japeth: That doesn't make sense.

Rhian #2: Japeth, what about our father makes sense?

Japeth: True, true.

Me: Anyway, I have a promise to fulfill to Japeth.

Japeth: *smiles, and the Rhians cringe* He's coming?

Me: Yep! Rhian and Rhian #2, why are you cringing?

Rhians in unison: His smile is awful.

Rhian #2: It's like Agatha during Beautification.

Rhian: It's that bad.

Rafal: Smiles are better that way.

Japeth: I don't care what my smile looks like. Just bring Aric.

Me: Alright...*poofs Aric here*

Aric: Where the heck am I?! Japeth!? Where are we?!

Japeth: That *jerks thumb at me* brought us and my brother and uncle and father here.

Aric: Who are your uncle and father?

Japeth: *points to our favorite School Masters* Them.

Rhian: Hi! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Rhian, and that white haired person over there is my Evil twin. I'm Good. We were School Masters until he killed me, but I killed him while being a ghost, so we got even.

Aric: *turns to Japeth* I don't like him. He's too happy and peppy.

Japeth: I don't like him much either for the same reasons.

Rhian: Hey!

Rafal: *walks up to Aric and shakes his hand, digging his fingernails into Aric's hand, all with an evil grin on his face* I'm Rafal. I'm Evil. I killed my brother over there. I am Japeth and Rhian #2's father. And I should still be School Master. That's all you need to know.

Japeth: He's the cooler School Master.

Aric: No kidding.

Me: Aric, you obviously know Rhian #2.

Rhian #2: Hello, Aric.

Aric: Hello, Rhian #2.

*The two squeeze each other's hands incredibly hard. Aric pulls a knife out of nowhere and stabs Rhian #2 in the arm*

Rhian #2: Ahhh! What the heck, Aric! *cries* IT HURRTSSS!

Rhian: Rafal, Aric, go grab a first aid kit. Japeth, put steady pressure on the wound. Here's a towel to use to mop up blood. You, *points at me* can't you heal his wound with magic?

Me: Yes, I can. *heals Rhian #2* 

Rhian #2: *whines* I want a snack! And for Aric to leave.

Rafal: *walks back in with Aric and a first aid kit* Quit whining, you weakling.

Aric: *sees Rhian #2's healed arm* Man, we walked those 15 feet for nothing?

Japeth: Well, we could have just let him bleed...

Me: I know you're evil, but this is a bit much. By the way, Aric, I wanted to ask you what you think of Jaric. *I explain ships and Jaric*

Aric: Um...sail.

Japeth: *blushes*


Aric: *turns to Japeth* I still have my knife. Would you care to do the honors?

Japeth: *takes Aric's knife and walks toward me* My pleasure.

Me: *snaps and the knife disappears* Nope! And I have another question for Aric. Aric, rate all the Mistrals here from best to worst.

Aric: Well, Japeth is best, then Rafal, then Rhian, and Rhian #2 is the worst.

Rhian: Why am I so low?

Aric: You're too soft. I like your brother better.

Rhian #2: I know why I'm so low.

Rafal: I knew I liked that kid.

Japeth: *turns to me* What would you rate us?

Me: Hmm...I like you all, so this is tough. I think Rafal, then Rhian, Japeth, and lastly Rhian #2. I still like the whole Mistral family, so you're all high on my favorite SGE people list. (Sophie is at  the bottom. I hate her so much. No offense to Sophie fans out there.)

Rhian #2: I'm at the bottom of everyone's list today 😢.

Japeth: Why am I so low...?

Me: You killed your brother and never loved him that much. Just be glad that you aren't last. Well actually, I changed my mind. You and Rhian #2 are tied in last.

Japeth: *points to Rafal* HE KILLED HIS BROTHER TOO!

Rafal: What can I say, everyone loves me.

Me: I like Rafal because he was Evil and still loved, and I admire that. And he actually loved his brother. I also just like his character, just for no reason at all.

Japeth: *mutters* I love Aric...

Rhian #2: What was that, Japeth?

Japeth: Nothing... 

Rhian #2: I like Rhian, and Rafal and Japeth are tied for last. They both are mean. Japeth, my own twin, KILLED ME, and Rafal, my FATHER, ABANDONED ME.

Rhian: I like Rhian #2, then Rafal, then Japeth. *Rhian and Rhian #2 high five*

Rafal: I'm your twin, how come I'm not in first?

Rhian: You killed me. 

Rafal: Oh, right. I forgot about that. 


Rafal: Anyways, I like Japeth, then Rhian, and I don't like Rhian #2.

Rhian #2: I'M YOUR SON!

Japeth: Bet he wishes you weren't, Camepot.

Rhian #2: !?!

Me: Anyways, if you have any ships/suggestions/ideas, comment them below!

Aric: See ya, Japeth. 

Japeth: Bye, come back soon.

Rhian #2: I still can't believe my own father hates me...

Rhian: It's okay. Remember, this is Rafal we're talking about.He hates everyone except a select few, so don't feel bad.

Me: Bye!

Rhian #2: Bye. Tell the evil React Master to bring Kei back.

Me: Ooh, React Master. I like that. 

Japeth: Tell the React Master to bring Aric back.

Rafal: Tell the React Master to leave and never return.

Rhian: Bye!

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