Just those funny School Masters...

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I decided to do a chapter with just the School Master twins, and I think I will do one with just the Sader-Mistral twins, too. Please leave suggestions for future chapters, because unfortunately I am not a fountain of ideas at the moment. Thanks!

Me: Hey guys! 

Rafal: Why is it just Rhian and I here?

Me: I decided to do a chapter with just you guys today, so you can pick what we do.

Rhian: We could play chess.

Rafal: Rhian, that's so boring. Why on earth do you want to play chess, of all things?

Rhian: I dunno, I was just tossing an idea out there. Do you have a better one?

Rafal: Let's talk about Rhian #2 and Japeth behind their backs.

Rhian: So we're...venting?

Rafal: Sure.

Me: Sounds like fun!

Rafal: I'll start. I have always hated Rhian #2, and I will forevermore. 

Me: Do you have a reason why?

Rafal: He reminds me too much of an Everboy. It's obnoxious.

Rhian: Hey! I'm an Ever! Technically...

Rafal: Yeah, but you give off a different Ever vibe. He gives off an "I'm-better-than-you" prince vibe.

Me: I agree.

Rhian: Uh...I like Rhian #2. He's the nicer twin. His brother...not so much.

Me: Oh, come on, Rhian. There has to be something about Rhian #2 you don't like.

Rhian: *stressed* Um...he farts when he laughs.

Rafal and Me: *laughing our heads off*

Rafal: How do you notice something like that?!

Rhian: I dunno, I don't usually notice things like that. 

Rafal: I notice things like that.

Rhian: What do I do, then? 

Rafal: You shove your hands in your pockets when you're uncomfortable. It's funniest when you don't have pockets, because your hands naturally search for them, and they can't find any, so you just stand there awkwardly with your hands at your sides. Also, you blush when someone compliments you or points something embarrassing out about you. *Rhian blushes* See, you're doing it now.

Rhian: Fine. When you're eating, you wipe your napkin on your pants if it gets dirty, and that kind of ruins its purpose. You show off a lot, and you never cry in front of people. You don't like music much, and you have caught a cold only once in your life.

Me: Wow. That is a lot of odd information.

Rafal: I like music, sort of.

Rhian: When I put it on, you wince.

Rafal: Maybe it's too loud. Maybe I just don't like the music you like. For example, I like funeral marches.

Rhian: Alright, React Master, you spill some weird information.

Me: There's some stuff I'm definitely not giving away for safety purposes, but I will tell you one thing. Hm... I hate the color pink.

Rafal: You and me both.

Rhian: Why don't you like the color pink?

Me: It's been stereotyped to females, and I hate that. To me, pink is a weak color. A little bit of pink is okay, though.

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