An Evelyn Fiasco

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Me: Hello!

Japeth: Hello, nasty human. What do you want this time?

Rhian #2: Is it a ship? Or is it a visit?

Me: I actually am not sure. What do you guys want to do?

Rafal: I want you to LEAVE US ALONE.

Rhian: Visit, those are fun!

Rafal: I agree with Rhian for once. The ships are boring.

Me: Interesting...Sader-Mistrals, your thoughts?

Japeth: I want a ship. Because that most likely won't involve me. 

Rhian #2: Visit, I want to see who you bring...

Me: *claps hands together* Alright, we are going to do a visit! This time you lot have choices. We could bring either James Hook *Rhian blushes* or Evelyn Sader *Rafal blushes, and Rhian #2 laughs. Rafal smacks Rhian #2* . Who do you want me to bring?

Rhian #2: Mother. Even you saying her name made Father blush. *laughs, then earns another slap from Rafal*

Japeth: James Hook. I want to meet a bloodthirsty pirate, and it made Uncle Rhian blush, and I want him to squirm in discomfort.

Me: Um...okay? Mistral twins, your votes?

Rhian: Evelyn Sader. I don't want a fiasco with that backstabber, and I want to meet my sister-in-law.

Rafal: I am going to pass on both parties. I don't want to run into either people.

Me: Alright, we have an overwhelming vote for Evelyn Sader! 3 to 1! 

Japeth: Did you vote again? 

Me: No, we had a Reader vote for Evelyn. *turns to readers* Shout out to Mara_oftheOcean, people! Check out her account!

Rhian: Who's Mara_oftheOcean

Me: A nice person. She also happens to be playing as you in a roleplay right now!

Rhian: *blushes* 

Rafal: *laughs manically* Haha, Rhian has another crush!

Rhian: *blushing furiously* Your crush is coming now, so shut up.

Rafal: *blushes*

*Rhian #2 and Japeth are laughing like maniacs in the background*


*Rhian #2 and Japeth laugh harder*

Me: Anyways, everybody welcome Evelyn Sader! *I poof Evelyn here*

Evelyn: What?! Who are you? *notices Rafal* RAFAL?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?

Rafal: Uhh...hi?

Japeth: *crying because he is laughing so hard* HAHAHA! MISTER MASTER OF EVIL IS SO AWKWARD AROUND A GIRL! HAHAHA!

Evelyn: Japeth? Rhian? What are you here for?

Rhian #2: Uhh...

Me: I'm just going to introduce everyone. Evelyn-

Evelyn: How do you know my name?

Me: I'm-

Rhian: She's the React Master. At least, we call her that. We have no idea what her real name is. 

Me: And I like to keep it that way. Anyways, he mostly explained me. I bring the Mistrals together to react to things, whether it's a visit or a ship or what.

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