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"Well, isn't that a nice thing to say to a lady," I retorted with a smirk and he scoffed as a small smile appeared on his face. I was surprised that he was back at Hogwarts, I thought Zabini mentioned he wouldn't be back until tomorrow.

"It's kind of hard to say there's a lady underneath all that whatever is going on with your face," he mentioned before sitting down to my level. I tried to reposition myself as he was quite close, but failed miserably with a very unladylike groan.

"What the fuck happened?" his voice was softer than usual. His fingers traced along my jaw and the cold touch was a welcome one against my burning, swollen face. I closed my eyes for a few seconds – even I wasn't too sure what actually happened. "I got into a fight." "Really? Hadn't noticed." I rolled my eyes at him with a smile. "This is the part where I'm supposed to say you should see the other guy, right? Well, there were a bit too many, but I gave one of them a nice upper cut," I said in an obvious fake, braggy voice and I could see him smile slightly. Draco was looking me over while reaching for his wand. "Good, hope you knocked him out cold. Why did the fight break out, though?" he asked and I averted my eyes from his.

"Episkey," some of the pain subsided as the healing spell rolled off Malfoy's lip. "Tell me why Blackwood," he said once again, softer this time – perhaps he had a hunch. He pointed his wand at my wrist and our eyes met yet again. "This will hurt –" before I could even get ready, he already said the incantation "Carpus emendo." I tried to stop the scream that was bubbling up from inside of me, but to no avail. It was as if I could feel all the little splinters of my bones getting shoved back in place by force, but that wasn't even the worst. Once those were mended back together, I could feel a larger bone moving around, almost as if it was searching back its place in my body. Left, slightly up, right, left again - please let it stop...

Tears streamed down my face since the pain was almost unbearable. Malfoy was wiping them away with his left thumb, trying to soothe me, while he was still pointing his wand at my wrist with his right hand. After what felt like forever – but in reality was probably only a few mere seconds – it was over and my broken wrist felt like new again. "That hurt like a bitch, but thanks," I huffed underneath my breath, feeling exhausted. "Hm," was the only sound coming from Malfoy's mouth as a don't mention it.

After I regained a bit of my strength Malfoy just looked at me expectantly – seems like I wasn't getting out of this one. He wanted to know why this happened and I didn't really want to tell him. "Let's just say I'm not really a trustworthy person for them at the moment. Something happened and they blamed me for something I didn't do," I muttered a little hesitant. "Why would they blame you for something you didn't do?" Malfoy asked – he definitely wasn't going to let this one go. "They thought I blabbed about something and since Snape was involved... You know, with you supposedly being my boyfriend and all. Apparently, Parkinson is also my best friend now," I said as I averted my eyes from Malfoy to Ignis, who was staring at the door, probably keeping an eye out for possible uninvited guests.

There was a silence and as I looked back up at Malfoy, his face had dropped and he was clenching his jaws, deep in thought. "I shouldn't be seen with you anymore," he huffed underneath his breath, but I heard it just fine. I shook my head a little too fast, which made him look into my eyes again. "No, I can honestly say I prefer having you around." "Why?" the question rolled over his lips before he thought about it, and I could see he regretted asking it. Vulnerability definitely didn't describe the usual young Malfoy.

"Because I found myself quite enjoying your company, believe it or not." I admitted shamelessly. "And don't blame yourself. Real friends would've believed me. I don't sell out my friends, you know?" I finished as I averted my eyes . The sad feeling washed over me again. Throughout the years I firmly believed that this had been something that was obvious for everyone, but I guess a lot has changed.

"I know," Malfoy muttered underneath his breath. I could see the wheels turning in his head and I wondered what he was thinking about. "Is there... Anyone who you still trust?" It was a question I didn't think would hurt me the way it did, because the answer was no. My old friends didn't trust me anymore - and most importantly - didn't believe me. I lost everyone, and it would only be a matter of time before I would lose my three best friends as well. Once they would hear about any of the things that happened while they were gone, I hardly believe they would hear me out - hear my side of the story.

I bit the inside of my cheeks as it dawned upon me that I'd fallen so deep that I didn't believe in anyone anymore. Harry, Ron and Hermione were supposed to be different. They would hear me out. But it occurred to me that perhaps it's just what I wanted to believe all this time. Because real friends don't leave you behind.

My eyes locked with Malfoy's icy grey ones and as much as I had been trying to ignore it I knew all too well we'd grown closer together in the past month and a half. He felt like my anchor amidst all the chaos, and the next words I spoke were nothing but the truth

"You. I trust you."

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