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Malfoy assigning someone to keep an eye out for me? That's not even the most interesting part, but Pansy Parkinson out of all the people he could've chosen? "And you agreed to that?" I asked, still very confused by the whole situation. "And you think I have a choice in the matter – that's cute," she rolled her eyes at me before averting them to the garden again. I followed her gaze and noticed Zabini talking to some Slytherin girl I forgot the name of – I believe it was a girl a year below us. Seems like he was a bit too friendly to her, because I could hear Pansy scoff softly underneath her breath.

How are they still not together after last time?

"To be fair, you do make our lives at least a little easier, Blackwood. He's in a good mood when you're around. Perhaps not the worst idea to keep you safe," she said with a small smile. The bags underneath her eyes told me she was very tired, but for some reason I could tell she was sincere with her words. It didn't seem like she minded her assignment too much – even if we didn't particularly like each other. "I could just tell Malfoy you've been looking out for me you know," I countered – not too fond of having a babysitter – and just the thought of me being watched was creeping me out.

"Sometimes I wonder how well you actually know Draco," she noted, staring directly at me again with a look I couldn't quite place. Was that caution? "Until about a month ago I used to think he was a wanker," a laugh escaped my lips for a second I thought I saw a small smile forming on her lips. "What about now, then?" she asked, and I shrugged before replying "He's not exactly what I thought he was." "Well, you're not exactly what we thought you to be either," she casually said while I gave her a look "Which was?" "Goody two shoes." I laughed out loud at her words and couldn't stop laughing.

That's what they thought of me? Merlin's beard, they don't know anything.

"Really? I would've expected that for Hermione in our first year maybe, but me? That's an interesting observation," I said after I was finally able to catch my breath. "Well, that and being Potter's secret lover of course," she said with a smirk as my face fell slightly. "Which begs the question, were you guys ever a real thing?" "Were you and Malfoy?" I retorted – she was dangerously fishing for things – and I needed to tread carefully. She eyed me before replying, probably wondering how to proceed as well.

"Debatable," Parkinson eventually said while her stare bore into my face – definitely analyzing my reaction. I'm not quite sure what she was looking for, but apparently it wasn't what she'd been expecting. "So, what about you and Potter?" "Debatable," I said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes, a little annoyed at my reply. "Fine. See you around, Blackwood." Pansy stood up, readjusted her wizarding robes and left without another word.

After my fill of drama today, I couldn't focus on anything school related anymore and I sighed. "Feel like walking around, Ignis?" I asked my cat and he meowed a happy meow, immediately jumping off the ledge. I smiled at his eagerness and packed my stuff before heading towards the gardens.

On my way there, just before I walked outside, I noticed Parkinson leaning against one of the pillars out of sight from the gardens. She wasn't paying me any attention though, it seemed like she was eyeing Zabini from a distance with a somewhat pained look on her face. He was still chatting up the same girl from earlier and she was very obviously flirting with him. I slowed my pace, which apparently made Parkinson aware of my presence as her eyes met mine. Her cheeks reddened slightly and she averted her eyes quickly, probably feeling embarrassed that I caught her staring at Zabini. Seemed like she really started to fancy him - it must hurt to see him with another girl that's fawning over him.

I could return the favor.

I didn't even think twice before I walked over to the pair, just as she was about to touch Zabini's arm I slapped it away. "Get lost," I commanded and the girl opened her mouth to protest, her eyes practically telling me to catch on fire. "You do realize who I am, right? Or would you like me to tell Malfoy how disrespectful you were to me?" I asked with a glare and the girls face turned to pure horror. "I am so sorry, I didn't-" "-Don't try to explain yourself. Just leave. And do me a favor, don't bother Zabini ever again," I said and the girl nodded feverishly before she scurried off.

"Didn't take you for the jealous type," Zabini remarked with a smirk, unfazed that I made the girl run off. "She seemed boring that's all. Have you seen Malfoy?" I asked, knowing damn well what the answer would be. "Can't say I have, but I do know when he will be back," he smirked staring down at me. I looked at him expectantly, waiting for the information he supposedly had, but he didn't say anything else. "Well?" I asked, folding my arms over each other, impatience laced through my voice. "I don't give out information for free, Blackwood. What's in it for me?" Zabini asked and I shot him a glare. It didn't surprise me Zabini would never give out anything for free, he seemed like the type.

"Apparently Malfoy seems to be in a good mood when he's around me. Next time I could just have a very, very bad day when he's here," I stated, and his face fell slightly. Seems like the information I got from Parkinson was accurate. "That might be true. However, I don't really care how Malfoy acts either way." Well, this isn't going how I expected. The question was how interested I really was in knowing when Malfoy would return. It started as just an excuse as to why the girl needed to leave, but now I found myself wanting to know when Malfoy would return. Perhaps I was missing the white-blond haired guy just a tiny bit, but then again, I would never acknowledge that little fact.

"That's an interesting expression on your face, Blackwood." Zabini mused with a smirk before he continued "Why don't you tell me why you really interrupted my conversation just now and I'll tell you?" Seems like I hadn't been too subtle, but I didn't care too much. "It just seemed a little off to me that you were flirting with someone else than Parkinson after our conversation at Hogsmeade, or are you already over her?" I asked while staring at him. His jaw clenched slightly and averted his eyes. "That's none of your business." "Fine then, but I did tell you why. Now when's Malfoy returning?" I scoffed a little annoyed I didn't get any more information. Zabini's eyes found mine and I couldn't exactly read the expression on his face.

"In two days, at least that's what he said."

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