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"What in the bloody hell is she doing here?" My eyes shifted around the unfamiliar room, ignoring the questionable looks.

Good question. What am I doing here?

I remember Harry and Ron describing the Slytherin Common Room as cold and unwelcoming when they took the Polyjuice Potion in our second year. I had stayed behind, supporting Hermione when she'd basically turned into a cat. To be fair, I hated every last second of being Pansy Parkinson and didn't want to trot out and about like her, even though I was well aware it would only last for a short amount of time.

On the contrary of what I believed all these years, I thought the atmosphere was quite nice. The common area was tinted green due to it being underneath the Great Lake, the green lamps enhancing the primary color of Slytherin even more throughout the room. Expensive looking leather sofas were spread out and even though they were quite old - mostly suspected due to the design of the sofas - they were still in very good condition. Sure, the temperature had dropped a few degrees, but that's logical being so deep into the dungeons. It was cozy in its own way.

Malfoy threw his coat on top of the only empty sofa in the whole common room, almost as if it was for him, and only him to use. "I don't think I ever gave you permission to question anything I do," Malfoy snapped at the student asking the question. I recognized her from before, it was the girl that was flirting with Zabini in the courtyard when I interrupted them. Her face flustered a deep red as the other Slytherin students glared at her the moment Malfoy reacted the way he did. He plopped down, one of his arms draped over the back of the sofa, his right leg stretched out on the rest of the seat, his left foot still on the ground. It confirmed my first thought, it was Malfoy's sofa, and no one else was allowed to use it.

Crabbe and Goyle hurried over and both sat down on a leather chair on the opposite side of Malfoy, looking at him expectantly, almost as if they were awaiting orders. Malfoy didn't pay them any attention though, I could feel his eyes burning on me as I looked around. "Not the quality I'm used to, but it does the job. I'm guessing it's a lot nicer than your common room," Malfoy's pretentious voice made me hold back a laugh. I knew he had a status to uphold and whatnot, but he seemed like a different person. When I didn't reply, he patted between his legs, gesturing for me to sit down. I wanted to refuse, not feeling too comfortable sitting so close to him, but I could feel the burning eyes of all the other students on my every move, making me painfully aware of the situation I was currently in, just like it did when we were together in Hogsmeade.

I sat down and to my surprise Malfoy didn't pull me close or anything to make me feel remotely uneasy. I could've known better, it was all a facade for him, he needed to play all cards right so I could be safe here as well. I felt my body relax a little and I could hear him chuckle slightly underneath his breath. "What happened to your face?" Goyle asked curiously, eyeing me. Although Malfoy did an amazing job on healing me, there were still a few bruises left on my face. It looked a lot better than my wrist though, which had turned a deep shade of purple, but at least it wasn't broken anymore.

"I believe I taught you better than asking questions like that to a lady," Malfoy sighed, the annoyance obviously present in his tone of voice. Goyle averted his eyes to the ground, a little embarrassed. "Fistfight," I quickly said before he got another earful. "Cool," Crabbe and Goyle said in unison, almost sounding impressed. Both of them immediately looked down to the ground again and I turned my head towards Malfoy, whom gave them a disapproving look. "I mean, it's not every day you hear a girl got into a fistfight," Crabbe mentioned in an almost whisper. "Fistfights are highly unnecessary with magic. We knew the Gryffindors were barbaric, but this is on another level. I want it dealt with," Malfoy said and I shot him a look. "Barbaric, eh?" I asked, getting a little annoyed myself. "There are exceptions," the blonde treaded carefully and I rolled my eyes "There's nothing to take care off, I can handle myself just fine."

"That so? Then why are you hiding here?" A familiar voice said and I turned to see Zabini sitting down on the side of the sofa with a smirk on his face. I wanted to say something, but I felt Malfoy's hand on my shoulder. "I took the liberty of taking her in, show her the hospitality of us Slytherins. She is my girlfriend after all, she can come and go whenever she wants to." There was a deafening silence in the Slytherin Common Room and an uneasy feeling took ahold of me, there were obviously quite a few students disagreeing on the matter. Malfoy seemed to notice as well and he shifted away from me, standing up from the sofa to look down on everyone.

"As I said Blackwood can come and go as she likes and you will look out for her as if she is our own. If any of you disagree, come forward now. This will be your one and only chance." It was a tone I hadn't heard from Malfoy before, authority was radiating from him in a sense that it almost sounded like they didn't have a choice. Malfoy looked at Zabini for a few long seconds, whom averted his eyes eventually as well. When no one said anything he nodded slightly in approval.

"Good, that's settled. On that same note and mostly for the dumbest amongst you; obviously no one else can know about this whether it is other students or teachers. If any of you bring her in even the slightest of danger, I will personally come for you."

Some students shifted uncomfortably in their seats, undoubtably afraid. I had been well aware that the youngest Malfoy had power amongst the Slytherins, but I wasn't aware to which extent. I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little impressed. The blonde shifted his eyes to me and smirked as he extended his hand towards me.

"Welcome to Slytherin."

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