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"Don't flatter yourself Blackwood, I wasn't staring for that long." "So, you were staring," I mused and he rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face. "Sure I was, you were hunched over like an ugly goblin. Hard not to stare when someone looks like that," Malfoy remarked and I smirked "Hm, interesting way to look at a goblin. Didn't know you were into that kind of thing. To each their own I guess," I snickered and he scoffed with a smile. "Sod off, Blackwood. You're an annoying little brat, you know that?" "Sure do."

The small smile and little twinkling in his eyes made it seem like he was genuinely enjoying himself. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I'd been observing Malfoy the whole day, but failed to see I had also been enjoying his company just as much. He poured another Firewisky for both of us and raised his glass at me. I picked up my glass and clinked it against his. "Cheers," we said in unison before gulping the shot down in one swift motion.

"Are you finished?" Malfoy asked, motioning to the parchment scattered around the table. "Almost, just need to finish the closing paragraph," I sighed, picking up my quill before dipping it into the ink. Malfoy stared at my hand and I gave him a look as to say 'What?' but he just shrugged before averting his eyes to stare in the distance.

After what felt like forever, but in reality was about twenty minutes, I was finally completely done with my assignment. As I started packing my things Malfoy looked at me again. It almost seemed as if he had been staring anywhere else than me on purpose after what I'd said to make a statement. "Since we're in Hogsmeade anyway, I need to pick up a few things before we head back," Malfoy said and I nodded. "Sure, I need to get some new ink after all this writing anyway," I held up the almost empty inkt bottle before putting it in my bag.

Malfoy paid for everything – not taking no for an answer – and we were finally ready to leave. The moment I stood up I noticed how much I'd actually been drinking as I felt a little lightheaded. "Oh," was the only word that slipped through my lips, although the word fuck would've usually come after in this situation. Malfoy looked at me as if the alcohol didn't phase him at all and smirked at me. "Can't hold a drink?" "I can hold it just fine, thank you very much. Probably should've eaten just a tad bit more though," I replied as I shoved the chair back underneath the table. "I told you it was too early for dessert," Malfoy teased as he walked around the table towards me. "And I told you it was too early to drink, yet here we are," I giggled, which was something I often did when there was more alcohol involved than usual. A very annoying side effect if you ask me.

We walked outside and even though I tried very hard, I could definitely not walk in a straight line. The cold only seemed to make it worse as well. Note to self; stand up every once in a while when drinking. I thought a little annoyed with myself. Malfoy stepped in line beside me and put his hand in the pocket of his coat, pointing his elbow towards me, suggesting to link arms with him. He looked in a totally different direction, not acknowledging that he was offering to help me. I was pretty sure I was a nuisance to him right now, but I was grateful nonetheless. I linked my arm through his, wrapping my hand around his upper arm. "Thanks," I muttered, suddenly very aware of my surroundings.

Everyone was staring at us, and with everyone I mean everyone. The occasional witch or wizard, but mostly the students that were roaming around Hogsmeade. Even in all the stores people were keeping an eye on us through the windows. I'd been ignoring the stares up to this point, but they've always been there. From the moment Malfoy and I started hanging out together we were being eyed by everyone. The alcohol just made me painfully aware of this fact again, making it harder to ignore all the glares. Malfoy held his head high, always walking around as if he owned the place, but I knew it wasn't easy for him either.

We walked towards a bench on the side, where hardly anyone could see us, and Malfoy motioned for me to sit down. I complied without saying anything and shivered once again, longing for the warmth of the castle. Malfoy noticed and removed his scarf before wrapping it around my neck instead. Confusion washed over me as I breathed in. I could swear this scent was familiar, or perhaps I was just imagining things. "I'll be right back," he said and before I could say anything he was already gone. Malfoy was surprisingly caring, or perhaps he felt bad that he ordered drinks so early in the day. Then again, I just should've stopped drinking sooner.

It didn't take very long before Malfoy was back. He was carrying a bag full of items in his right hand and in his left he was holding a steaming hot drink which he held out to me. "It's tea from the teashop. You could use something normal to drink, and water wasn't an option since you're already as cold as ice," he eventually said as I stared at it for a little too long. "You went into Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?" I giggled a little surprised. That place was well-known for couples to go to on a date, most of them snogging each other. Just picturing Malfoy walking around a frilly place with bows in every corner seemed so out of place that it was funny. The blonde huffed a little annoyed, his cheeks a little red, though I wasn't too sure if it was out of embarrassment or just the cold weather. I took the cup out of his hand and smiled at him "Thank you, that is really sweet of you." I said sincerely as I took a sip. "You better not tell anyone," he warned and I shook my head before replying "My lips are sealed.".

Malfoy sat down next to me as I drank the peach flavored tea, feeling a bit better by the second. He reached his hand in the bag he was carrying just a little while ago – searching for something – before he eventually held out his hand with a new ink bottle to me. I looked at it a little flabbergasted as I took it. "Thanks for getting it for me! How much was it again?" I asked, reaching for my purse but he just rolled his eyes at me "Bloody hell, Blackwood. You really think I care about something as small as this?" Before I could even reply he reached his hand out once again, this time it was a flat, black box with a red ribbon around it. "Noticed you could use a new one," he muttered underneath his breath as I opened it.

It was the most beautiful quill I'd ever seen. The feather itself was a deep black color while the shaft of the feather was gold-plated, slightly sparkling in the setting sunlight. It immediately made a lot of sense why Draco was staring at my hand when I was working on the Charms assignment. My quill had seen its best days, but it still fulfilled its purpose even if it looked a little pathetic nowadays. I carefully took the present out of the box and stared at it. Just by holding it I could notice it was pure craftmanship, it even had a more comfortable hold than your usual quill. This one had to be very expensive, and I could never accept such a gift.

My eyes found those of the youngest Malfoy, and he seemed... Nervous? I don't think I've seen him like this before – perhaps he was nervous for my reaction. I bit my lip as I looked back at the quill again. Suddenly I was very conscious of the fact that it would hurt his pride if I didn't accept the gift, maybe even his feelings. He did pick it out for me, noticing I needed a new quill. It was a very thoughtful gift. "It's beautiful, Malfoy. Thank you so much," I smiled as I carefully placed the quill back into the box. Relief seemed to wash over his face, and it dawned on me that I've only noticed these small changes in his expression due to being around him. Someone who didn't spend as much time with Malfoy would've never noticed these small changes in his expressions.

It made me wonder how often I'd misread his behavior in the past.

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