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1st of October, 1997

A few weeks had gone by and I hadn't seen Malfoy at school anymore. As to why, I had no idea. I suppose he had another task to do, but I didn't want to think about any of that. I didn't want to think about him being a Death Eater either. And the fact that I didn't want to think about him being a Death Eater scared me as well.

I sighed deeply, getting tired by my own thoughts before I heard a familiar voice "Ellis." I looked up from my book and stared right into the eyes of Cho. "Oh, hey Cho," I tried to sound a little interested since she talked to me – everyone in Gryffindor had been giving me the silent treatment.

They'd found out about the rumor of me and Malfoy dating. Well, you can imagine how that went. I've never seen that much hatred in any of my friends' eyes before. Since then I've been in the library doing more homework and reading than I'd ever done before. Luckily Ignis, my black cat, accompanied me wherever I went lately. He probably felt my emotions being out of control and had noticed the change in how I was treated by my classmates. He looked at Cho with his magnificent green eyes, probably not too sure what to think of her either.

"I was wondering if you'd already finished the homework of Transfiguration?" she asked as she sat down on the other side of the table. Great, small talk. I thought sourly while I looked through my books and finally giving her a piece of parchment. "So, what did you really come talk to me for?" I asked not too subtly as she read through my homework. She looked up at me and smiled innocently. "You're a Ravenclaw. I don't think you'd ever ask anyone to copy their homework," I stated matter-of-factly, and she gave me back the parchment with a defeated look on her face. "I was wondering if the, uhm, rumors were true – you know, about you and-" "-Malfoy," I cut her off with a deep, long sigh. She seemed genuine enough, but I didn't feel like explaining everything to her. Then again, no one heard me out or would even listen to my side of the story, so maybe it was nice to talk to someone about it.

I opened my mouth, but somehow, I couldn't find the words. That's when I noticed almost everyone within earshot had stopped reading, or writing. They were all listening and trying to get the scoop. And suddenly, it felt as if I was all alone here, I didn't have any real friends at this bloody wizarding school. None except for...

I didn't want to call Malfoy a friend, but he seemed the closest thing I got to one right now. The moment I blabbed about anything it meant I would lose him as well. So instead, I found myself saying nothing. "It's true then?" she asked a little taken aback. "He's a Death Eater." "And you used Harry just to get over Cedric. We all have our bad sides, don't we?" the harsh words left my mouth before I could rethink them, and I saw the hurt expression on her face before she stormed off. Ignis stared after her and gave me an accusatory look before laying his head on his paws to continue his little nap.


2nd of October, 1997

Finally, a class I was going to enjoy, I thought as I made my way towards Care for Magical Creatures. The only downside was that it was a class combined with Slytherin and I really didn't feel like having a fit with Pansy today. She was still furious that neither Draco nor I had disposed of the rumor – instead he'd just affirmed it. And I, on the other hand, didn't disagree when I was questioned by Cho. To her great dismay. I didn't care, she didn't have that many followers to back her up lately – everyone was still a bit afraid of Malfoy – not just because of his status, but also since he was a Death Eater.

I waved at Hagrid as I walked up to his hut and he only smiled half a smile at me. Great, of course he'd already heard it as well. I wasn't in the mood to care, until I saw the youngest Malfoy across the crowd smirking at me. I felt a jolt in my stomach and I didn't really know which emotion I was feeling right now. On one hand, I was relieved to see he was okay, on the other hand this would only complicate things.

Talking about complicated, I stood in the middle of the Gryffindors and Slytherins, none of them coming too close to me. So, there I stood, all alone in the middle of both parties.

Suddenly, just seconds before class started, Malfoy made his way over to me. "Hey girlfriend," he said with a smug look on his face while he put an arm around me. All eyes turned to us and I flustered red, shaking his arm off. It wasn't because of him, but because I was furious. The nerve. My hands clenched into fists and, before I could even say anything, Hagrid decided it was best if he started his class.

And even though I hated Malfoy's guts for coming up to me like that, I found myself somewhat glad of him as well, because I felt a little less alone in this godforsaken wizarding school.

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