March 19th, 2022 - 1:07 am

3 1 0

Dear Mom, 

     I miss you.  When are you ever going to write me back?  Season 5 of Dynasty is coming out soon.  I really wish we could have watched season 4 together.  When I was rewatching the show, I'd sometimes make my bed and lay out the blanket you got me in your spot.  I'll do the same with season 5 too.  Even if you can't be here with me, I like to pretend that you are.  It makes me feel a little sad when I do that, but that's okay.  My social security check finally came in the mail!  Can you believe that the lump sum death payment was only $255? I feel like it should have been more, but I don't know.  I promise I'm not going to blow through it.  I'm going to use it to get you and me to Michigan with our family.  I am going to be very sad to leave Becky and the kids, But I need this.  I'm going to try to teach them as much as I can while I'm here though.  I'm gonna hit the hay.  Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.  I love you to the moon and back and I miss you bunches. 

     Love, Madison <3

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