March 17th, 2022 - 12:32 pm

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Dear Mom, 

     I miss you a lot today.  The last time I wrote to you, you could tell when I was starting to get upset and angry.  I'm sorry about that.  I wasn't doing too good that night.  Everything I said was true, at least in the moment.  Lately, when I've been feeling things like that, it doesn't stick for very long.  But in the moment, it's so draining.  Today I felt okay mentally, other than the fact that I miss you.  That's my fault though because I went on your Facebook.  Yesterday, for the most part, I felt amazing mentally.  Right after my online therapy session ended, Becky and I went to Spencer's.  I found a pink long sleeve Pink Floyd shirt that I really wanted, but Becky wanted it so I let her get it, mostly because I didn't really have the money for it lol.  They were buy one get one for a dollar, so I told her she could get it if she got me the other shirt for a dollar, which she did.  I found this really cute purple shirt that has some sort of astrology-related thing on it.  It worked out really well because I don't have any purple shirts.  My therapist mentioned, I mean suggested, that I write down all of the positive memories I have of you.  I can't remember many good memories of you from my childhood, which really sucks. They're mostly bad ones involving Sean.  I'm sure I'll be able to dig them up somewhere though.  Back to yesterday.  After Spencer's, we went to Mcdonald's and then went on her Amish run.  It was a simple day, but the feeling of listening to my favorite songs with the windows down and the sun shining felt amazing.  It's 2:30 am now, but I didn't want to go to sleep without telling you goodnight.  That's one thing I always liked doing at night, and then saying it 10 more times because we'd see each other again but didn't want it to be the last time without saying goodnight.  And you would laugh every time.  It never got old.  Anywho, goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.  I love you to the mood and back and I miss you more than could ever be put into words.  

     Love, Madison <3

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