Chapter Three: I Love Lucy

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"Huh." On the train after David displayed his newfound powers to Katsuo during school, "A Sandevistan is a power that allows you to control time for a short amount of time while increasing your speed, agility, and strength." Oshua told David while he, Oshua, and the other Prime brothers were expelled from Arasaka Academy. "That's how you were able to counter Katsuo and hit him with enough force that could crack the ground in two."

"So...This means that...I'm special?"

"Let's not get too carried away. Says here in the book that you can only do for a certain amount of times in a day. Two to three at best." Oshua replied

"But that doesn't mean he can't override that if he trains." Edwin remarked, "So that makes him special."

"Special needs." Alex snickered

"What was that you little fucker!?"

"Nothing!" Alex replied

"Keep it that way when you're around the great and mighty David." He said with pride

"Oh great, now he's going to have a Vegeta complex." Oshua snickered

"Fuck off Oshua!"

Oshua snickered

"Hmm?" Something caught Miles's attention, "Hey guys? Did you see that?"

"See what?" The boys peered down at the other passengers. Nothing but the usual.

"Are you tripping My Choom?" David asked Miles.

"I know what I saw." Miles replied, "She had white hair, and she was stealing chips out of people's necks. David, use your Sandevistan to slow time down so I can show her to you guys."

"He already used it twice today." Oshua scolded Miles, "If he uses it again he won't be able to use it till the next day-" It was too late, David was already using his Sandevistan. 'Why do I even bother?' Oshua remarked.

Sure enough, Miles was right. A woman was stealing chips out of the necks of others. But why? The woman separates her hand from David's hand after he uses his Sandevistan and pulls David to a more private spot so they could talk. "What do you think you're doing? You're messing up my line of work here."

"Hey, I'm not trying to stop ya." David points over at Miles, "He saw you pick-pocketing chips from people but when he told us, we didn't believe him."

"Is that right...." Lucy approaches Miles and sits beside him and the brothers.

"Oh....Shit." Miles cursed, "Am I in trouble?"

"That depends." Lucy replied, "Are you friends with this guy?" She jabs a thumb at David.

"Yeah. We're more than friends. He's our brother."

"Our parents worked in the medical field together." Edwin replied, "They've been dead for a few days now."

"I see." Lucy replied, "What's his name?"


"David...And yours?"

"I'm Miles. Miles Prime."

"Alex Prime."

"Edwin Prime."

"Oshua Prime. We're the Prime Brothers."

"Optimus called," Lucy remarked, "He wants his last name back."

"We've picked up the phone and told him that his last name is ours now. If he wants to run them hands for that last name, we will run the hands."

"Right..." Lucy replied, "Listen, I'm looking for some "Partners in Crime", I'll split the pay according to how well you all work together."

"I'll do it for free. Dad always says more money, more problems. Less Money, Less problems. It's a win-win if I ever saw one." Miles replied

"Same for us. David could use it though, he's been wanting some upgrades for his new game." Edwin replied

"I see."

"So what's your name Miss?" Miles replied, "Is it pretty? Because you're too pretty to be out here in Night City."

"Cute." Lucy replied, "I'm Lucy."

Oshua, Edwin and Alex snickered

"Was it something I said?"

"Oh it's nothing...I love Lucy...." The brothers saved Miles laughed together

"Oh..." Miles replied, "I get it now."

"Get what?" David asked Miles

"....I hate you." Lucy told Oshua. "And you." She said to Edwin. "And most DEFINITELY you." She told Alex


"Augh...." After stealing, David found himself in an ER mobile bed being transferred to the Hospital.

"I tried to tell'em." Oshua told Lucy, "He can only pull that off three times a day. Anymore and he'd end up like this."

"How are you feeling David?" Miles asked

"I'm gonna hurl."

"Sandevistan is known for that side effect." Edwin told him, "You'll be fine."

"Did he take any pills?" Lucy asked the boys

"Pills?" They asked, "What pills?"

"Pills for pain...I think that's what she's talking about." David told the brothers, getting a laugh from Lucy

"You guys are a riot!" She told them

"Not really, we're just ahead of the curve." Oshua replied, "Hmm? We just passed the Hospital..."

"Yep." Edwin replied, knowing where Oshua was going with his statement, "It was a set up."

"Listen up Chooms," The "Nurse" told them, holding a gun at David, "Nobodies going anywhere. And as for this Cat, we're going to get some fine Eddie's for this guy you dig?"

"And what makes you think you're going to get away with this?" Miles asked the "Nurse"

He laughed, "I have a gun!" He replied

"What Gun?" Edwin held the gunman's Gun in his hand while Oshua attacked the driver and took over the Ambulance truck. "Kick his ass Lucy!"

"With pleasure..." Lucy tossed the "Nurse" out of the Ambulance truck, tied up and beaten up. Oshua drove the Ambulance truck to a secluded location where he and the others could make their escape.


"That was awesome!" Miles remarked with excitement, "Did you see how confident he was before Ed took his gun away!? What a loser!"

"I know right?" Alex replied, "And Lucy did her Karate moves and tied him up and tossed in the street where there are... Speeding...Cars...Welp, he's definitely dead."

"Don't ask, don't tell."

"I didn't hear anything, didn't see anything."

"What did you see?" Miles asked David

"Ha-Ha, nice try, but I'm not falling for that." David replied

"Ok boys, how about coming over to my place and chill for a bit?" Lucy offered

"I dunno..." Oshua replied, "My dad told my brothers and I to never trust strangers. Including you."

"But aren't we family?" Lucy replied, giving them the puppy dogs eyes. "I thought we became our own happy Liwwle family..."

"Ha!" Oshua replied, "I'm redpilled! That won't work on me!"

"It's working on David." Edwin Jab his thumb at the boy, sure enough, it was working on David. After begging Oshua for about two whole hours, Oshua gave in and allowed the boys to go over Lucy's house while he followed behind the group.

'I don't trust her for some reason.' Oshua thought to himself, 'She feels outta place, especially in those clothes. She's just ASKING to get raped by some cyberpsycho. Still, David trusts her. My brothers...Half and Half. Let's see where this goes. Hopefully she is not pretending to be our friend to set us up.'

Little did Oshua know....

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