Chapter Eight: Timeline Invasion: Fall Of A Leader

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"What's going on with him?"

"It's Cyberpsychosis."

"There's gotta be a way to Cure Mister Maine. If I use my lightning upgrade-"

"It could fry his circuitry Kid, you'll end up messing him up more than his current state!"

"There's gotta be something else then Mister Falco!"

"Another medicine maybe!?"

If Surviving Raven's wrath was the victory of Alex and Miles, if kidnapping Tanaka for information was a victory for Maine and his crew, then Maine's Cyberpsychosis taking over his body was the greatest blow ever given to the Cyberpunk crew. Miles was wrapping his head around possible cures using his lightning powers. Alex and Edwin were trying to find another way to cure Maine. All the while, the others looked on as Maine was strapped to a table, struggling to free himself.

Oshua had taken Kiwi to the Hospital after being viciously attacked by Maine, forcing Lucy to take her place until she recovered. "This is bad." Falco remarked, "This is really bad. There's got to be a way to cure him."

"I'm looking-I'm looking." Alex replied, "Damn! Nothing. All I could find were the same treatments with the same side-effects that worsen Cyberpsychosis."

"Then we have to try it my way." Miles argued, "We can't just have him tied up to a table and expect him to stay there until we find a way to bring him back to his senses."

"What if your method worsens the problem, boy?" Dorio calmly asked Miles, "I know you want to help. All of you do. But this is something that cannot be fixed. Once Tanaka's information is stolen, the rest of you are going to have to leave. Me and Maine. You're going to have to leave us behind."

"Are you sick in the head Dorio!?"

"We can't leave you!" Alex replied, "You're like a second mother to us! Don't do this!"

"Boys..." Dorio shed a tear, "There's no turning back for Maine. He needs me. I love him. I always have. He was always there for me. For his crew. It's about time someone was there for him. As for the rest of you, continue to do what we always do best. Keep running. Keep running like hell. You boys understand me?" Miles embraced Dorio first. Edwin followed after. Then Alex. Dorio, for the first time, embraced the boys back, hugging them tightly. "I love you boys so much. Don't take this sacrifice for granted. Okay?"

"Yes Ma'am." They replied.



"Rise and shine Kiwi, how are you feeling?"

"Oshua...Where am I?"

"Night-City Hospital. Don't worry, I created a fake profile and all, nobody is coming in this place to get a piece of you."

"La-de-da~" Kiwi remarked, sitting up in her hospital bed.

"I'm sorry about Maine." Oshua replied, "What he did....He wasn't himself-"

"Cyberpsychosis isn't something to sneeze at." Kiwi replied, "It comes from too many physical upgrades. I warned Maine about this when I became the new crew member of his Cyberpunk regime. He didn't listen. And if David's not careful, he'll fall right into the same trap as Maine did."

"David's got more spine than that." Oshua replied, "And common sense. He wouldn't go down that path-"

"I know you want to believe that." Kiwi told Oshua, reaching out, touching his hand, "Believe me. I know you want to hope and have faith that David won't slip into Cyberpsychosis because of future upgrades he may desire to receive. But this is Night-City, Oshua. In Night-City, you can't trust no one. Eventually, people here will turn on you. Sooner if not later."

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