Chapter Fourteen: The Turn Around [Conclusion]

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Three Years Later:

"I can't thank you guys enough...For being my brothers...For staying by my side...From bringing Lucy back to me...Restoring Night-City...But this is for the best. For me and Lucy." After the fall of REVOCS Company and after the fall of ARASAKA Company, David and Lucy met with their friends one last time outside of an unknown space station. This was the last time David and Lucy would see their friends again. For David, this would be the last time he would see his brothers again. The anchors that kept him steady since the death of his mother and the death of their father.

Miles cried on Satsuki's shoulder while meanwhile, Edwin and Alex were doing their best not to cry. "We understand." Edwin says, forcing a smile on his face. "I'm just glad you get the chance to escape this place and be happy. But this is just the beginning of Night City changing for the better. Someone has to make sure it stays that way. And that's something I'm willing to do. Even if Falco and Rebecca go their separate ways, you can count on my brothers and I to preserve the times of peace."

"Oh?" Ryuko lightly whacks Edwin over the head, "And what am I, chopped liver?"

"You were once our enemy." Edwin jokingly tells Ryuko, "I wouldn't leave a puppy under your supervision."

"Very funny." Ryuko fake laughs

David and Lucy laughed. "We'll keep you guys updated on what it's like living on the moon." Lucy tells the group. "And Miles," She calls, "Thank you...For finding a cure for David. Because of you, he won't transform into a Cyber-psycho like the others of the past."

"I couldn't have done it without Satsuki and my brothers." Miles and Satsuki were now a thing after Miles beat her. As promised, Satsuki had demonstrated her loyalty to Miles. Probably in the highest degree any woman could fathom. By saving David and even Lucy from a fate that could have killed them...Well...How could such a feat not be called "Proof Of Love"?

"Where's Oshua?" Oshua Prime was the only one missing within the group. "He has to know that I wanted to see him before Lucy and I left to live on the moon." Speak and he shall appear.

Smiling his Primal smile, Oshua arrives. Landing in front of his brothers and friends. "Had to visit Dad's gravesite." He told David. "Hope I didn't make you miss your one-way ticket outta here."

David smiled back at Oshua, "You didn't." David wanted to break down in tears so badly. But he had to stay strong. "You know...This is the last time I'll ever get to see you."

"There's always the afterlife." Oshua tells David: "After we live our lives in the correct fashion, we'll all meet together again. And no one won't ruin it. Miles."

"WHY'S IT GOTTA BE ME!?" This got a heartfelt laugh out of everyone before the Brothers, Rebecca, Falco, Ryuko and Satsuki hugged David and Lucy. Some heartfelt tears were exchanged by David and the brothers. Flashbacks at how they used to be before their lives were changed forever. The times they fought, laughed, traveled with their families, etc.


Everyone watched as a Ship emerged. David and Lucy, paying their fare, got onboard with their necessities, waved goodbye to their friends and family one last time before blasting off towards the moon.

"I'll miss you David." Miles says while Satsuki placed her heartfelt hands on his shoulders.

"We'll see them again." Rebecca tells Miles, "Your big brother said so."

"And we will." Oshua tells Rebecca, "As long as we stay out of trouble. MILES."

"Again...Why Does That Have To Be Direct At Me!?" Miles asked Oshua, who only laughed again.

"...." Alex remained quiet. "This isn't over." He finally tells the group. "Well...It's over for David and Lucy. Their chapter has ended. But ours? Ours is still ongoing."

"What do you mean by that?" Falco asked Alex: "I'm retiring. I'm too old for all this Cyberpunk business." He tells Alex.

"I know what you and Rebecca are going to do." Alex replies: "But I'm moreso referring to the story of my brothers and myself." He looks over at Oshua, Edwin and Miles. "We still have Salem and Cinder to deal with."

"Oh..." Oshua, Edwin and Miles groaned: "That's right. The Timeline Invasion."

"And with Night City beginning its reconstruction and being led by someone of a pure heart, it could lead to delays." Satsuki points out

"Then we'll just have to kick ass and take names." Ryuko slams her fist together. "Just the six of us."

"Acutally..." Miles remarks: "Satsuki and I are talking about going into hiding for a moment and have some children." He tells the others: "We've been married for three years afterall, in my opinion, that means it's been LONG overdue for us to procreate."

"I would agree." Satsuki says, flustering in the face.

"...That's actually...Um..." Ryuko also blushed: "What I had planned with Ed. But...I wanted to surprise'em after we dealt with the timeline invasion." She says looking over at Ed: "Sorry Babe."

"What are you talking about?" Edwin replies: "We talked about this yesterday."

"We did?"

"Yes. We did. And I said that I had no problem with that-"

"But I actually do," Oshua replies: "Miles, you and Edwin have been through a lot. And as the older brother, I want you two to live your lives with your wives. Alex, I want you to go and travel, see the world and what's changed over the past 80 years. I'll deal with the Timeline Invasion...Alone."

"You're bullshitting me right now." Rebecca tells Oshua: "Cinder was a pain in the ASS to get rid of, and this Salem sounds like a serious MAJOR pain in the ASS to get rid of too! You're going to need all the help you can get, and who else to get it from than your family!?"

Oshua chuckles: "Family doesn't stick together forever." He tells Rebecca: "You know that firsthand." He says, making Rebecca remember the death of her Brother: "David got his happy ending. It's time for everyone else to have theirs. And leave everything else up to me. After all, I am the older brother." His facial expression steeled and became stern: "And I know what's best."

"..." Rebecca couldn't argue with Oshua, no matter how much she wanted to: "Stubborn asshole." She snarls: "Fine. do it your way. But if you EVER need a hand, I won't be far away."

"And neither will we." Alex tells Oshua.

Looking back at everyone, even at Falco, who nodded that if things got too much, he would come out of retirement and help Oshua out in any way that he could, Oshua gives one final smile before gazing upward at the clouds: 'David, I am so proud of you. You proved everyone wrong. You made your mom proud. You deserve it little brother. But even with your story ending...The Timeline Invasion is only the beginning for something much more sinister here on earth. Salem...If you can read my mind...Whatever you think this planet won't be prepared for...You can't be anymore wrong. So bring everything that's wicked within you to this world. Because we're here...And we're ready...So...Do...Your...Worst...Because I...WILL...'


Salem's Castle:

"....Okay...If that's what you want to believe...But I must warn you...Many of those just like you thought the same...And they...Were...Proven...Wrong..."


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The End~?

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