Chapter Eleven: Kiwi's Betrayal

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"Has anyone seen Lucy?" A few days passed, And no sign of Lucy anywhere.

"Still looking." Miles replied, speeding through NC. "Nothing yet."

"She left after you and her had an argument huh?" Oshua crossed his arms, asking David

"Yeah." David replied, "I don't understand. She told me that she was going somewhere and that she would be back. Did she run away?"

"That's highly unlikely." Falco replied, preparing the car for another job Faraday gave the crew.

"Yeah..." Oshua stared at Kiwi, "Very unlikely..." He approached her, "We need to talk. In Private."

"Hmm?" Kiwi replied, "Uh...Okay."


"What did you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Oshua replied, "I overheard everything that happened that night. And now all of sudden, Lucy just vanishes into thin air."

"Are you accusing me right now? Your pregnant wife? Really?"

"Don't play the guilt trip card on me Kiwi." Oshua replied, "Why? Why did you betray us?"

"......" Kiwi became silent.

"I'll ask again-"

"You don't have to." Kiwi told Oshua, "I betrayed the crew because as I told you before, in Night-City, people will turn on you. Sooner or later, they'll eventually turn on you. So it's best-"

"That you turn on them?" Oshua asked

"Bingo." Kiwi replied, "Besides, David is slowly slipping, it won't be long before he goes full Cyberpsycho. As much as you boys tried to save him, he's a lost cause. At least with Faraday-"

"Faraday? You really want to put your trust in someone, it best not be Faraday. The guy is sinister. I know it. He's planning something that will only benefit himself. For that to work, he needs suckers. And holy nova, did he find a few."

"It's to help us-"

"Us?" Oshua replied, "Or yourself? Because I didn't go running to Faraday and help kidnap David's love interest. You DID. And for what? Do you think that Faraday is going to let you go? Do you think he cares about our child? He'll kill you and the baby, taking you both away from me." He took Kiwi by the hands, "Kiwi, for the first time, I've found someone to build something with. Something my dad or my brothers may never find. My dad especially, even though he's dead. He had us through artificial wombs. We never had a mother that loved us. The closest we got to that was through David's mother and Dorio, and they're BOTH DEAD! They're both dead. And now...Now you wanna leave me too."

"....Oshu..." Kiwi replied, "I would never leave you. I love you too much to do that. But I have to think about our child's future. Our future. Once this is finished, Faraday will pay up enough money for us to leave this place. To get a house with a white picket fence. Maybe a farm with farm animals. We'll be together. We'll have more children. And we'll know that in the end, it was all worth it."

"I can't see that." Oshua sighs, "Why jeopardize the happiness of another to fufill my own happiness? I won't do that to David. He needs to know the truth before it's too late."

"I'd figured you said that." Kiwi knocks Oshua out cold. "That's why you're going to be out of commission for a moment until everything is said and done. Also, I hope you enjoyed your brothers when you could, because they're going down too."


"Oshua? Oshua!" Miles called, "Shit! I can't reach him!"

"I've tried reaching Kiwi on my end!" Edwin replied, "All she said was that Oshua isn't feeling good all of a sudden!"

"That doesn't sound like Oshua." Alex replied, "Something's off. We're going to find out what."

"I wish that would be the case right now kid," Falco replied, driving David, Kiwi, and Rebecca behind a Militech truck, "But we need one of ya to come and help out."

"Leave it to me!" Miles told the crew

"And Ed and I will go and find Oshua!" Alex replied

"Sounds good..." Edwin remarked before he sensed a presence behind him. "Actually...That may need to take a rain check."

"You got company don't you?"

"And not the good kind either." Staring Edwin down was none other than Satsuki Kiryuin. With her was Ryuko Matoi. With her was Nui Harime.

The trio stared Edwin down before Ryuko slammed her fist together. "Nice to see you again...Edwin Prime...Satsuki's told me alot about you...I hope you're able to back up her claims about your potential."

"Against a handicap huh?" Edwin transformed, "Okay then. Let's play. Before the odds fair out in my favor."


"A Cyber-skeleton?" Miles and the crew opened the hatch within the Militech vehicle and saw that it was carrying a cyber-skeleton. From Kiwi's point of view, it sounded as if this was the peak of scientific evolution. However...Miles had doubts. And then.... "Hold on a minute", he heard the procedure, "David, there are things I agree with you on, things that I don't. And I don't agree with this method. You'll have to give up your lower torso and your arms! Don't do it!"

Even Rebecca agreed, "Imma side with Lil'bro Miles on this one, don't do it David!"

Under normal circumstances, David would listen. But "Lucy" informed David that he could do it. She believed he could control the Cyber-skeleton. But it was all Faraday's plan after he received the files from Lucy who stole these files from Tanaka. With the Cyber-skeleton, David would fall further to Cyberpsychosis, to a point where he would die. And right before David was about to transfer just himself into the Cyber-skeleton- "DON'T FUCKING DO IT!" It was Oshua, contacting David and the others!



"What!?" Rebecca and Miles replied

"Why that two-timing double-crossing-" Falco falling from above was enough to confirm Oshua's claim


"Well you better hurry", Falco told Oshua, "Because the way it's looking right now, i don't think we have enough firepower to handle the militech and the NCPD."


"You chose your friends over your wife and unborn child." Kiwi called Oshua, "We're over. And you can forget about seeing the kid. The last thing I want is for him to learn about his traitrous father."

"You can go to hell." Oshua snarled, arriving and sliding the militech and the NCPD, "I was an idiot to think that you were different. You were right. I can't trust anyone that isn't blood. Or from Night-city. You were right Kiwi. Make sure that you don't die at the hands of Faraday. Despite what you've done, I will avenge you if you die at Faraday's hand."

"I'll keep that in mind." Kiwi cut Oshua from her contacts, riding her motorcycle back into Night City.

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