Chapter Ten: Slipping Away

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"Don't be a fucking baby!" Rebecca shouted, pouring alcohol on Miles's wounds, "Now hold still!"

"I'm glad you boys got away from that unscathed." Falco remarked, "Although, I knew Miles was going to be a lady's man at some-point."

"Ha-Ha." Miles replied, "Very funny Cowboy-bebop-OUCH!"

"Didn't I say fucking hold still!?"


"Then fucking hold still."

"Yes, Big sis Rebecca." Miles sighs

"If Satsuki's here, then Ragyo's here too." Oshua remarked, "Not to mention Ryuko."

"Where are all these guys coming from?" Asked Alex

"Alternate Dimensions I'd take it." Falco replied, "No doubt that this "Ragyo" woman is working together with Arasaka. And for us, that doesn't spell good things in our future."

"She's working with them alright." Edwin replied, "But why is the question? But then again, it's best not to ask that when it comes to that Crazy Bitch."

"THAT crazy?" Kiwi asked Edwin

"If I told half of the shit she has ever done, you would consider your actions as kindful deeds."


"We'll handle her and whoever else when the time comes." Said David, "We got another job from Faraday. He wants to infiltrate Arasaka HQ. Namely its medical offices."

"Why?" Miles asked

"Dunno." David replied, "But we were given a job, so we do the job and get it over with. Okay?"

The Brothers and the Crew nod.


"David! No!" That night, the job went as planned, but David was slipping into Cyberpyschosis. He almost killed an innocent female Arasaka nurse. Thankfully Oshua was able to stop him from doing that while Miles went to work on trying his method of bringing David back. "Ugh....Wha...What's going on?" It was a success...For now, but there was no guarantee how long Miles's strategy on dealing with David's Cyberpsychosis would last.


"How's it looking?" David asked Miles

"I was able to succumb 80% of the Cyberpsycho effects." Miles told David, "But there's still the other 20% that's increasing. You'll have to down-grade if you want your chances of being sane to be high."

"No way." David got up from the table. "You did your part Miles, and I'm grateful for that. But I'm going to see Ripperdoc. With the medicine he provides, I'll be able to get rid of the 20%, leaving me with a sane, clear mind."

"For how long?" Oshua approached David, "If you keep this up David, you're going to succumb to Cyberpsychosis. That's something none of us want."

"I know."

"So what's the verdict on Lucy?"

"She needs more time." David replied

"What in the hell did she see in Tanaka's files?" Alex asked the others

"It boggles the mind doesn't it?" Edwin replied

"Whatever she saw, it was probably nothing good." Oshua replied, "That's what keeps her from doing what she does best."

"Probably." David replied, "Anyways, I'm going to meet up with Lucy and head over to Doc's. Make sure not to get into any more trouble. Got it?"

"Does it look like we attract trouble?" Oshua jokes

"....Yep." David grins, "Looks that way to me."


"Oh!" Kiwi felt the baby kick again in her womb, "Fussy little brat ain't you?" She asked the baby within her womb, "Just give it a little more time, you'll be out of me soon enough." She and Oshua got a beautiful apartment, something she considered as a stepping stone towards having a house with a picket white fence in the countryside. "So Lucy's still indecisive huh?"

"Yeah." Oshua replied

"Well she better not wait too long." Kiwi jokes, "I'd hate for her to take my spot while I'm in labor. That would be a mess."


"Oshua? Is everything alright?"

"I'm worried about David."

"Afraid he'll go Cyberpsycho again?"

"He's already showing signs." Oshua replied, "Miles was able to slow the process. Still, it won't be long before it takes its hold. Forcing him to..."

"It's a hard pill to swallow." Kiwi sat beside her Husband, resting his head on her swollen breast, "But you have to face the facts. If David keeps this up, he will lose himself. And then...He will die."

"Not if I can help it." Oshua replied, "He's like a brother to me, to Ed, to Al, and to Miles. Sure, he hasn't been the best leader, but he tries to make the right decisions."

"I'm not going to stop you from trying." Kiwi told Oshua, "At least you know you didn't stand by and did nothing for David...As he slowly slipped away into madness."


Later on that Night....

" you made it...And look at you...Another few months and you'll be a mother." Kiwi met with Faraday while Oshua was sleeping in bed at their apartment. Faraday smiled as though he was friendly and understood the needs of the many. But in reality...He didn't give two shits about anyone but himself. "Listen Kiwi, I need you to create a signal that will attract Lucy's attention. From there, we'll discover what she found in Tanaka's data files and use them to our advantage. In exchange...You get to have your happy ending with your new husband and child. Does that sound like a decent deal?"

"....Yeah." Kiwi agreed. "I guess it does."

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