Chapter Twelve: The Day Evil Won

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"Well Ragyo, it seems that your upgrades are completed." Kate remarked after Ragyo's genetics were swapped with Cyber-genetics. "You're now a cyborg. And since David didn't fall for the bait, he'll be much easier to take down."

"I doubt that." Ragyo replied, displaying the cyborg genetics that made her and even her daughters a different menace. "I should thank you for all of your hard work Miss Katie." She told Kate, "It's such a shame that it all must go to waste." Kate raised an eyebrow before Ragyo killed her and then she killed everyone in the office. Inculding Faraday.

"Should we kill the one called Lucy?" Ryuko asked her mother.

"No..." Ragyo smiled, "I got something VERY special for her."


".....Falco...." It was Kiwi, minutes before Ragyo's onslaught. "Is Oshua there?" Her voice and her connection was weaker. It was no surprise to Oshua that Kiwi was on the verge of death.

"Yeah...He's here." Falco replied, "You wanna talk to him don't you?"

"Yeah. I need him to hear this." Kiwi replied, her form was located, hiding from two mobsters hired by Faraday to kill her. "Oshua? Baby?"

"I'm here Kiwi." Oshua shedded tears, "I told you this would happen. I knew this would happen. You should have never betrayed us. Now I lost you and my first-born...."

"I know." Kiwi replied, "I am so sorry for everything I've done. I tried to help us build a future for our son. It's all my fault that he may never have a future now. One last thing I'll give you is the location directions to where Lucy is. From there, you know what to do. Oshu...I'll....See you...In the afterlife-"




"UGH...." Kiwi's connection was lost. Oshua trembled while riding in the car with David and the crew.

"My....Wife....My....Son....All gone..." Oshua shook violently... "I'll make them pay....I'll make them all pay...." Bio-electricity danced around his body.


"Hold on tight David!" Oshua grabbed David and teleported to Arasaka Academy. Following beside him were Edwin, Alex, and Miles.

"What are you guys doing here?" Oshua asked his brothers.

"Those were clones." Alex told Oshua. "The Ryuko and Satsuki we fought earlier. Nui too. All clones."

"The real ones are here." Miles told Oshua. "Big brother...I'm sorry for your loss."

".....-Ah! Lucy!?" Sure enough, Lucy approached the brothers and David wearing Junketsu.

"Allo...My juicy opposing forces~" Ragyo told the brothers and David, "Welcome to Ara-Revoc HQ!" She told the brothers, "It took me less than ten minutes to redecorate the place in MY image. What do you boys think? Fancy isn't it? Well...I couldn't have done it without Adam Smasher's Sandevistan..."

"Adam Smasher?" David replied, "You killed Adam Smasher!?"

"Sure did, and stole his little upgrade too." Ragyo remarked, "If you want your precious lover back David Martinez...Then you will have to give it your all...Because what's been done to her...May not be undone with just a kiss on...The lips~"

"YOU BITCH!" David roared, lunging towards Ragyo

"ZA WAURDO!" Nui shouted, using her own Sandevistan to freeze David in his tracks!

'What the Fuck!?' David remarked, 'I-I can't move!'

"My Sandevistan is ten times stronger than yours davey jones!" Nui replied, "And thus ends the story of the heroic Davey Jones! May he forever rot in hell!" The Moment Nui tried to kill David, Miles stepped in. His lightning upgrade gave him the potential to tackle Nui away from David, thrusting them both outside "Ara-Revocs HQ".

"MILES!" The Prime brothers and David shouted

"AUGH!" David was slammed to the wall by Junketsu Lucy

"DAVID!" The prime brothers shouted

"Not so fast!" Ryuko stood infront of Edwin, "Remember me!?"


"Satsuki, I believe you wanted to fight Miles. Be a darling and tell Nui to switch places so she can play with a new toy~"

"Of course Mother." Satsuki used her Sandevistan and switched places with Nui.

"So...Alex the lion...Wannabe my plaything? I'll let you touch my boobies~" Nui remarked to Alex

"I hate the multiverse." Alex transformed, Followed By Edwin.

"I guess that leaves you and me....Oshua Prime..." Ragyo starred the teenager down. "Shall we dance?"

"Gr...'We don't have time for this....' If that's what you want, then an early grave is what you're going to get!" Oshua transformed, ready to fight Ragyo one on one.   


"AUGH!" Miles took a hit that had him crashing through Night-City's transportation system.

"Do you want to know how much this hurts me to see you like this...Miles Prime?" Satsuki told the boy, "But then...Such a naughty boy like you must be disciplined."

"Edwin told me about you..." Miles staggered to his feet. "He told me that you despise your mother. In the series at least. Why are you working with her? Don't you hate her for being some twisted evil monster?"

"I understood my mother's methods." Satsuki told Miles, "Sure, they were unpleasant, but it ws the only way to achieve a goal. A goal my father did not understand. Which led to his death. He defied my mother, and it landed him in the grave. How much more you if you keep defying your fate with me...Join me, you and your brothers, your friend too. Together, we can transform Night City into a place of peace. It will have to be rebuilt from its ashes, but it will be rebuilt in my Mother's Image."

"You must be kidding." Miles snarled, standing straight up, "Night-City's like Gotham...It's not going to change anytime soon. And even if it did, why change it? Just for a worse time to come and turn everyone into worse cannibals? Not going to happen." Miles summons his upgrade, amplifying it to its second grade, "I rather die a hero than live to become a heartless beast. Like you."

"Very well." Satsuki replied, wielding her cybernetic sword, "And die as a hero you shall."

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