Ch.10 ~ another semi-fresh start

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~hello I forgot to mention that when y/n fixed Roxy and Chica, that they removed 'the line of code that was not supposed to be there' as y/n would put it!~

~on with the story~


I was kinda shocked at what just happened but after a bit I realized that I quite liked watching the hurt in his eyes as he quite literally got stabbed in the back by someone who he had had a crush on.

'End of recap'

I may have forgotten to state that, last night, before going to the daycare I talked to Roxanne wolf about my plan. She was completely cool with it, and also offered to help take out the cameras near the front door, so that Freddy or someone else would never know what happened.

I used my faz watch to contact Freddy to tell him that I was going to 'walk Gregory out of the building'. In reality I was dragging his dead body out and burying it 7 feet under the ground, but not before putting a dead raccoon, I found in the woods, over the dirt and burying that too.

After Roxy took out the cams she got a mop and started to clean the blood as I was 'walking Gregory out'. When I got in I helped clean. After she left Freddy met me at the front doors and said nothing except "thank you, you did not have to help, but you did!". like that, we were all back to normal, me in the daycare 24/7, with Monty occasionally stopping by to flirt with moon or sun, Chica and Roxy doing... what ever they do during a day to day basis, Freddy doing Freddy things, and DJMM doing what ever he does besides sleep.

By now my wounds on my head have healed and eclipse still has not done that 'crazy, psycho, robot killer thing' yet. I no longer have to wear a bandage on my head and moon, sun, and lunar don't have to be as careful with me as they were when I did have it were the bandages. Now don't get me wrong that we're no we're NEAR care free with me, they always were making sure I was ok and not hurt physically, or mentally.

It felt good to be back to normal! But that won't last long, because we only have 1 week before the mega pizza plex opens back up.

(Just a reminder, this ⤊⤊ is the new time skip signal)

It's been about a day since I killed Gregory, and I am now starting to feel bad for doing it. Don't get me wrong, he got what was coming for him, but he also had a whole life before him. It also did not help that the animatronics could be brought back, so the adequate karma would just be a really bad injury.

Of course, I could not let sun, moon, or lunar know, so the only person (more like animatronic) I could go to was Roxy. Let's just hope she's free right now.

"Hey, sun?"

"Yes, sunshine!?"

"I was wondering if I could leave to daycare to go talk to Roxanne wolf for a bit?"

"Oh, of course Sunshine! Just be VERY careful and aware of your surroundings!"

"Thx sunny! C'ya in a bit!"

"No problem! See you later!"

And with that I left the daycare, in search for the gray wolf herself!

When I got to her room it was just her and she was sitting at her vanity talking to herself... the same conversation she had with herself when Gregory and I were in the vents. I was standing outside the window listening and apparently the memory of me and Gregory was the breaking point, and I started crying.

At this point I did not want Roxanne to see me like this so instead of walking into the room and talking to Roxy about it, I ran off to the closet bathroom. When I got inside the family restroom I shut the door and slid onto the floor. I knew the floors were dirty but right now I did not care.

I sat on the floor crying for almost 2 hours before gathering the courage to get up off of the floor and go to the mirror to splash some water on my face before going to Roxanne's room.


I was standing right at Roxy's door again, but this time not crying. I knocked at said door and waited for her to respond saying 'come in' or just open the door. That's when the door opened with a click and I saw Roxy standing there with Chica behind her.

"Oh? Hey! What's up?"

"Ummm, y'know what!? I was just coming by to say hi!"

"Well, hi!" Roxy stated

"Hello!" Chica said before Roxanne shut the door saying;

"C'ya later!"

I sighed 'well that was a HUGE waste of time.

While walking back to the daycare I passed Monty.

"Oh, hey kiddo, whatcha doing out of the daycare?"

"Oh, I was just going to talk to Roxy, but Chica was there and I did not want to disturb there 'play date' "

"Oh, well you best get back to the daycare! Moon man is worried ABSOLUTELY sick about'cha . Also I wish you luck with the scolding ya' gonna get!"

"Thx I'm going to need that luck!"

"C'ya 'round kiddo!"

"Bye Monty!"

He fist bumped me before walked off again.

Well, let's get this over with I guess.


I approached the daycare doors taking a deep breath, preparing for moon to immediately scoop me up and scold me for leaving for so long.

Instead I was immediately pulled into a hug by him, without any explanation or words at that. Plus it was pitch back since it was about 6:00 pm in January, and the real sun was no longer out.

"Ummm, Moon, you good?"


No answer. I separated from the hug, letting my eyes adjust to the dark for a second before turning back to Moon.

I immediately stoped when I saw Moon with that all-to-familiar glitterglue, oil mixture streaming down his face.
~helllloo again, sorry for leaving y'all off on a semi-cliff hanger like that~

(1064 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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