Masky x teen fem reader

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(You are 14 years old)

Your: POV

"Sighhh" right now I'm hanging out in a tree  I've climbed in the forest. 'I'm so bored' it's not usual for me to hang out in the forest with out friends but lately I've been having a lot of fights with my parents about school and my interests. Looking up at the sky I noticed it looks like it's about to rain..I should start heading home but I'm feeling pretty stubborn right now. Putting my hood over my head I pull out my phone and earphones.

Putting some music on I start humming along with the song that's playing. Hearing what sounds like a branch breaking the right of the tree I am in I yank my earphones out of my ears and look over and listen closely. Hearing nothing I jump out of the tree I'm in. 'I should probably get going.' Looking up at the sky I see the light slowly leaving 'its getting dark..'

Quickly turning around I flip off where the stick broke and scared me. Turning around I start my trip home hopping over and going under trees and branches.

                           ~A month later~

Ever since that day I've been getting the intense feeling of being watched. Even one of the girls that has been picking on me went missing. 'I don't know maybe I'm just paranoid?..' sighing I look out the school window 'it's raining again..' Looking at the forest I could swear I saw a flash of a white mask. 'It's probably just my imagination.'

I'm in 4th period right now I'm in math 'God I hate math..' Looking at the teacher I see her trying to explain something in the front of the classroom. I have no idea what she is saying it sounds like gibberish to me.
Pulling out my notebook I start sketching random creatures like cats and dragons. Spacing out I don't notice the teacher calling me "-n Y/n!" She slightly yelled at me  looking up I slightly glare at her "Sorry Miss. Silver..what did you say before?" I ask kind of annoyed with her.

"Well if you must know Y/n the principle needs you so please go to the office." She says in a over joyed tone. I quickly nod and start putting my stuff away and grabbed my binder. Walking out of the classroom I start walking down stairs then into the office. Looking at one of the elderly woman I force a smile "Miss I'm here to see the principal." I said in a proper tone of voice the woman looks up from her paper work then points to the short hallway.

"Go down that hallway and turn to the right that's the principals office" she says slightly glareing at me nodding I walk in front of the door and knock "Miss./ Mr. It's me Y/n you wanted to talk to me" I say as I wait for a answer "a-ah yes come in Miss. L/n (last name)" opening the door I walk in and sit down in front of him/ her

"Why did you want to talk to me?.." I ask waiting for the answer "I have some sad news Miss. L/n.." he/ she says looking down at his/ her desk "Ok what is it?.." I ask starting to become impatient "sighh do you know Violet Charm?" She asks as she clicks her pen "yes..I do, why?" I ask I really don't care what happens to her she was one of the people that never leave me alone just because I'm the 'out cast' of the school.

"Well..she's been..found murdered in the Slender forest.." he/ she said anxiously looking at me " don't know what to say." I said slightly tapping my foot "Uh can I leave? I'm pretty..put down right now..yeah I'm pretty sad" I say ready to get out of the principals office "O-Oh yes of course..Miss. L/n please take your time to morn the lost of Miss. Charm.." he/ she says nervously

"Of course.." I say a bit confused 'I knew she was missing but I did not expect her to be dead I thought she was a run away..' I think as i quickly exit the office and make my way towards my classroom.

           ~Time Skip The End Of The Day~

Walking down the sidewalk I look up at the sky 'gray clouds again?'s raining so much these days not that I'm complaining I love the rain' sighing I look forward glancing at the forest I'm passing 'what am I going to do when I get home?-' my thoughts all of the sudden get cut of by someone putting there hand over my mouth and pulling be into the forest.

Quickly grabbing there forearms I try to yank there arms off of me failing to do so I'm left struggling and panicking in their grasp. "Mh! Mmm!?" I tried calling for help but that didn't work. As seconds pass by they are dragging me deeper and deeper into the forest. "Shut up kid.." I hear a mans deep voice say into my ear.

All of the sudden he takes out damp cloth and pushes it against my nose and mouth rather roughly. 'Oh shit what is he making me breath in? Ugh I feel so light..headed' I think before my body completely goes limp in his hold and I pass out.

                               ~Time Skip~

Slowly opening my eyes I notice I'm on some kind of couch in a cabin? 'Ugh my head I feel absolutely dreadful..' sitting up I notice that my wrist are tied together I sighed 'great now where's my kidnapper? I want to beat the shit out of him..' Looking around I see specks of red cover the floor

Looking at my wrists 'this reminds me of a 5 minute hack..well might as well try it.' I think as I raise my arms above my head then roughly pulling my arms down and my elbows out doing so I ripped the tape in half. Sighing I quickly take the tape off and stand up looking around a door on my left and a window on my right.

'What do I do now?..' Looking around one last time I turn and start making my way towards the window 'I should jump out of this window and...' Looking down at the window I notice I'm on the 2nd floor 'shit what do I do now-' quickly getting cutting off by a door getting slammed open slightly flinching I turn around and see man with a feminine white and black mask.

"...Your should be out for another hour..whatever sit down kid" he said motioning towards the couch slowly I sit back down glareing at him. "Where am I?" I ask keeping my distance from him. He stares at me for a moment "Your new home get comfortable your going to be staying here for a while." He said stepping deeper into the room and closing the door behind him.

"..And when can I go home?-" I ask but get cut off by him interrupting me "Sorry..Y/n your not going back home for..a VERY long time" he says in a aggressive tone I quietly stare at him then frowning "but..why?" I ask slightly flinching when he sits besides me. Roughly he grabs my jaw and forces me to look at him "I've been watching you for some time..And..I've decided I'd like to adopt you."

Looking at him dumb founded 'This dude is crazy..I got to get out of here..' "what?" I ask super confused hearing the door open again I see another dude walk in he is wearing a yellow hoodie and a upside down smiley face mask. Yellow hoodie looks at me in silence then turns to white mask dude.

"So you finally kidnapped her?" He asks as he sets down a...gun? White mask guy doesn't respond instead he just shurggs. 'Bro I'm holding back from cussing them out I want to do so bad..' sighing I roll my eyes getting more impatient "Ok who are guys anyway I need names" I said as I smack white mask dudes hand away from me as he tries to grab me again.

"Call me Masky and call him Hoodie" white mask says as he points at yellow hoodie dude. Hoodie comes over and sits by Masky Masky turns and looks at Hoodie "Did you kill the other one?" Masky asks Hoodie quietly nods still staring at me. Glareing at Hoodie I scratch my head confusion.

'What do I do now?' I think as put my head into my hands. Feeling an arm over my shoulder I slightly flinch and try to move away only to be pulled into Maskys chest. 'I'm about to lose my shit..' Taking deep breaths I start calming down.

I feel Hoodie get up off the couch and walk towards the TV and turning it on. Looking up I see what he is putting on " Jumanji?" I ask struggling to get out of Maskys grip. Hoodie turns to me and nods "Do you not like it?.." he asks slightly tilting his head "no I like it.." I say glancing at the window 'it's raining again..' Masky starts cuddling into me "then get comfortable Y/n.." Masky says as he finally takes off his mask.

Now looking at his face he's very handsome  but..he heavily smells of cigarette smoke. 'It's weirdly comforting..' sighing I look back at the TV "So..what am I going to tell my parents?.." I ask glancing again at Masky "your not going to see them any time soon so don't worry your pretty little head about it" masky says as he softly pinchs my cheek.

Sighing I slowly nod 'this is crazy..what do I do and WHY IS THIS DUDE CUDDLING ME!?'


Author: Hi I hope you like this oneshot(: I'm planning on doing Ticci Toby next(:< please share your ideas I'd like to write more.

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