Jason The Toymaker x fem reader

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(You are 7 years old<:)

Your: POV

Me and my parents just moved into this town. It's pretty cut off from the outside and it's heavily covered by nature which I would love to play in but..I'm not allowed too. Which sucks but my mom has told me time and time again not to go in. Also there's a lot of tiny shops that cover this area. I really  want to check out those one day! They are really cool and one is even a toy shop but I think it's abandoned which sucks.

Right now I'm in my bedroom listening to music as I draw I can slightly hear my parents screaming in the background. Looking down at the drawing I was drawing previously it reminded me of a dream I had the night before. I had a dream of a man with bright red hair coming and taking me in the dead of night. It was a amazing dream really he gave me a lot of tiny toys as we went!

'I feel like someone's staring me..' I think looking at my bed "Huh I didn't know mom and dad got me a Teddy.." I say getting up and walking towards it. Picking it up I look closely at it 'it looks like it was handcrafted..' I think as I slightly shake my head.

Looking into it's plain black eyes it almost feels like it's staring back. Feeling uneasy I put the Teddy Bear down. Looking outside I notice it's softly raining sighing I walk toward my desk and start putting away my art supplies. 'The rain makes me feel sleepy..' I think looking out of the window again. Hearing something move behind me I turn around and see my Teddy Bear on the floor.

Slightly giggling I walk over to it and pick it up. "How did you fall?" I ask myself putting it back on my bed I lay down next to it. "What should I name you..how about T/n! (Teddy's name)" I say while softly petting the fur on its head. Cuddling into T/n I softly Yawn and get under the overs. "Good night T/n.." I say as I slowly fade into darkness I can hear a man wisper into my ear. "Good night Y/n" then softly chuckling.

~Time Skip The Next Day~

"Pst Y/n~ wake up.." I hear my mom say while softly shaking me. Opening my eyes I look up at her "y-yes?" I ask still half asleep.  "Do you want to go to the park?" My mom softly asks while smiling. Now fully awake I smile widely at her. "Of course!" I excitedly say and get out bed, my mom nods and leaves my room. Walking up to my closet I open it and look down. 'T/n..? How he get in here..I remember going to sleep with him." I think while bending down and picking him up.

Putting him down back on to my bed I pick out an outfit and put it on. Turning around I stare at T/n for a few moments then I pick him up. "I need a friend to come along with me.." I say then exit my room.

~Time Skip The Park~

"Ah its so hot.." I say as I wipe my forehead with my hand. Sighing I get up from the swing set and grab T/n. Looking over at my mom I can see her talking to some random woman. 'I'm so bored..' walking over to the small grass field I sit down and put T/n in front of me. All the sudden my Teddy stands up and starts running toward the small shops.

"I-i didn't know you could move- wait T/n!" I slightly yell then start running after him. Finally stopping he all the sudden goes limp in front of a small run down shop. Gasping I softly pick up my Teddy. Looking up I can see beautiful crafted toys through the glass. "Wow.." I say in a whisper reaching out for the door handle "Y/n! Y/n!" I hear my mom yell running towards me.

Turning around I look up at my mom "mom my Teddy-" I quickly get cut off by mom grabbing be roughly and pulling me towards the car. "God dammit Y/n..you gave me a heart attack..we are going home." She says angry while pushing me into the back seat. As we are driving back home I look out the window and see it's raining. "What in the heavens were you thinking Y/n? Running away like that..what if some creep came and snatched you up?" My mom quickly ranted to me.

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