Ben Drowned x fem reborn reader

911 12 15

(You are 14 years old for now TW: Gore(: )

Your: POV

"Ughh!" I groan as I continue writing this stupid history paper. Finally done I put the paper back in the dark blue folder. Sitting up straight i look around the empty classroom "What to do..what to do.." I say while standing up 'i want to go home ahh..yes I'm at school at 5 in the afternoon.' Sighing I pick up my stuff up and head towards the door.

Putting my hand on the door handle I try to push it open. "'s locked? Shit." I say while scratching my head I hear a few girls start laughing on the other side of the door. "Hello!" I slightly yell out as I lightly knock on the door. Seeing the door open I see a girl with brown and dark green eyes. "Um hello.." she says while pushing her hair away from her face. Walking out of the classroom I turn towards her "Sorry to be a bother but..can you walk me home?" She says while looking up at me with innocent eyes.

"Sure! I'd loved to..where do you live?" I ask while following after her. "I live a little ways into the that alright?" She asks softly frowning "no that's not a problem." I say while we exit the school building. Looking at the sky I see the sun start setting. "How far is your house?" I ask looking at her back as we continue Walking. "Oh not that far.." she says quietly.

A few minutes past in silence but eventually we reach the edge of the forest. "I alright I think I should get going-" I say but get cut off "no! Please walk with me I'm scared!" She says panicked and grabs my hand.  "Um..ok but it's getting dark so let's hurry up" I say nervously smiling as she grabs my hand and pulls me along.

~Time Skip 30 minutes~

"Um we are pretty deep in the forest now..Where's your house?" I ask she stops walking and turns around "let's play hide and seek.." she says slightly swaying side to side "Uh I don't think-" I say but get cut off. "We. Are. Playing..understand?" She says as she pulls a knife out "Calm down..jeez. we can play but let's make this quick." I say while putting my hand up in front of me in alarm. 'She probably just has the knife for self defense..we are in the forest.'

She quickly nods in excitement "you be the hider I'll be the seeker.." she says "um ok start counting to..30 let's get this started." I say while slowly backing away turning around I start running into the forest. I can hear her in the distance as she counts. Looking around for a moment I spot a tree that will decently cover my body from sight. Walking over to it I bend down then I hear the girl call out.

"Ready or not here I come!" She yells as she twirls her knife in her hand. Seeing her walk closer i press my body on to the tree to avoid from being seen. She walks away from me to the left. I quietly sigh as I see her drag her knife along one of the trees. "Come out~ I just want to play Y/n.." she says as she walks closer to my hiding place. "Please..I'm so scared..I'm so scared." She says as she..sobs? I frown and step in front of her.

"Are you ok? we can stop playing if you want-" I say but get cut off by a sharp cutting pain in my lower stomach."Ah! What the hell!?-" I say while coughing stepping back I squint my eyes to see her knife covered in my blood and having a shocked look covering her face. "I-i'm so sorry I didn't know what came over me.." she says before smiling widely and stepping closer. Stepping back I glare at her "you fucking bitch.." I quietly say as a she steps closer. Quickly turning around I start running towards a random direction.

Panting in pain I slightly jump over a few logs and under some tree branches. "P-Please don't run from me..I'm so sorry!" She screams behind me. Grabbing my side as the pain gets worse I push myself forward to try and move faster. Glancing down as my hand that was previously holding my side I see..dark crimson covering my hand. I slightly trip as I continue running I pant in exhaustion and pain. 'Dammit..the one day I decided to help out a classmate..'

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