Jeff The Killer x lost teen daughter reader part 2

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Jeffs: POV

Sighing I slammed Y/ns door closed after boarding the window again! Jeez that child..she really is like me. Groaning in irritation I walk into my room and lay down on my bed putting my arms behind my head I softly sigh. 'I really need to maintain her but..also i need to build a bond with her. You know what..we'll do something tomorrow ..for right now I'm going to sleep.' Getting comfortable  I put a eye cover over my face then pass out.

Your: POV ~Time Skip~

Yawning I slowly sit from my bed yesterday I tried escaping didn't work out well it only caused my window to be have even more wood boards. Groaning in irritation I remember dad is probably going to come by my room soon. Some time pasts then finally I see the door open and my dad walk inside. "Took you long enough..I'm so bored..." I cockily say while standing up then smirking. He rolls his eyes then puts his hands over his hips.

"What do you want to do?" I dad asks while walking closer to me. "Leave." I bluntly say he sighs and then slightly puts his head back "no. But I think we could at least go outside for a walk.." he says softly my eyes widen in shock "w-wait really?" I say while tilting my head to the side. "Yep. But don't think you can run away.." he say I nod then I walk over to him and let him grab my hand. When his skin touches mine his skin is very rough compared to mine. His skin feels calloused a healed burn?

Letting him pull me out of the front door he starts walking down a narrowed path between the trees. A few moments pass as we walk before we actually start talking. "So..where did you meet my mom" I ask while slightly swaying our arms. "Well she worked at a convenient store and I had to go there quite often so at some point we started talking..then she saw my face and fled." He says while reaching up to his face and touching his cuts "but she doesn't get how beautiful I am." He says while smirking.

I lift my eyebrows in confusion "Well you don't look that bad I don't see why she freaked out like that.." I question while reaching up to his face and pulling his cheek. He softly smiles and grabs my hand "now I wonder..what happened before I came and got you?" He asks me "Wait do you want me to explain my life story or something?" I say while chuckling he nods and continues walking.

"Well I remember when I was younger I had a lot of problems with school and I still got in trouble a lot because she was always being found with drugs or was drunk. My relationship with my mom was never good..this one time I had this girl trying to accuse me of stealing her...I think it was glitter anyway at some point we started fighting I ended up putting her in the hospital. Mom was so pissed at me when I got home.." I explain a little about myself he softly chuckles "your so similar to me..its..weird honestly." He says

"Well I am related to you." I respond shrugging "Y/n." I hear my Dad say I turn my head towards him "what?" I ask "what were you doing the day before I came and got you?" He asks seriously I stay quiet for moment "well..Mom was drinking I was sitting as the table bored out of mind..then she all of suddenly she start saying you were a murder..At some point I made the mistake of calling you dad she got pissed at me and kicked me out of the house. So I decided to go to the forest but I got gang up on by these three people but I got away then went home.." I explain purposely leaving out killing them..

He lifts his eyebrows questioningly like he knows something. "I know your not telling me something..tell me Y/n it's not like I'm going to betray you." My dad says I nod and sigh. And fully stop walking he stops in front of me. "You know those three girls I mentioned?" I ask while looking down at the ground "yeah what about them" I hear my Dad say I sigh "well..while in those woods..i-i brutally murdered them. But I had to they tried to stab me." I sat while putting a hand on my face.

I feel him pull me into his chest and hug me. "Don't worry..I've killed many..many people there's nothing to be ashamed about around me." He says while smirking down on me. "Wait..really?" I ask he hums in response. When I heard this I suddenly got wave of familiarity and warmth. 'I feel like I can trust I feel kind of bad all of this time I've been such a bitch..but all he wanted was to build a bond with me.' Wrapping my arms around him I hug him back.

After that we continue walking and talking about each others life's as we continued we both noticed how similar we really are to each other. Little did we know as we bonded we also had someone watching and photographing us. As I continue talking about how confusing it was to grow up I see my dad look pass my head and harshly glare. He quickly grabs me and starts running towards a...person? "W-wait- ah-" my plead never answered we continue to running after the person that was stalking us.

When we get to him my dad let's go of me and pins the guy. As they struggle on the ground I hear the dude yell out for help. Hear my Dad gasp in pain I rush closer to them to see what happened my dad now has a small pocket knife through his side. Looking over at the man that's pinned down..I see Jake one of the people from school that made my life a living hell. I pause for moment not knowing what to do. 'What do I do?..I can get revenge or..I can run out of the forest..but my dad..I'll lose my dad.' Stepping closer I see Jake trying to get up from the ground.

'I'll make him pay..' Bending down I pick up a sharp stick walking closer I hit him across the head. "Ah! O-oh Y/n please help me. That m-monster is trying to kill me. W-wait what are you stop!-" He yells out as stab him through the chest. "H-how could you-" he mumbles out then starts coughing up blood. Falling down he looks up at me with pity and regret. Tilting my head I pin him down and start stabbing his throat i feel the blood spash on to my face. I softly shiver feeling the warmth of the blood. Hearing limping behind me I turn around to see my dad holding his side.

Walking over I put my body under his arm to help him walk. "Y/n..I'm so proud of you." He says while smirking down at me I smile back as we start walking back to the house.
"So what are we going to do now?" I ask while walking "Well we can watch a movie? How does that sound?" He asks "yeah..I'd like let's go home." I say while laying my head on his shoulder. "Yes..let's go." He says while wrapping a arm around my waist.

~Years later~

It's been years since Jeff has kidnapped me and now we are a team, I'm now working under slenderman at first it was hard to get used to especially with all the other serial killers. There's a lot of chaos around the mansion and me and my dad cause most of it. But I can handle all of it with my Dad by my side and my new friends.


Author: Hi I hoped you liked part 2 a special thanks to the0local0aro0weeb for helping me out with ideas(:. Anyway I'm planning to do the proxys next bye bye♡

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