Masky x antisocial fem teen reader

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(You are 14 years old (:< )

Your: POV

I sigh as I throw a few more boxes in my parents truck. Walking back inside of my soon to be old house I run upstairs to my room. Looking over my now empty room I pause in thought 'I can't believe we're moving..I mean it's great my Dad got a better job but I didn't expect we'd have to move into the country side..away from my friends' I frown at as I think about how long it took for me to make friends and get comfortable with them.

Bending down I pick up the last box inside my room. Slowly walking downstairs I walk outside and put it in the trunk. "Y/n! Hurry up and get in its going to take a days drive to get up there!" I hear my mom's voice yell out from the driver's seat. "Yeah I know, I'm coming!" I yell back and walk over to the car doors and hop in. My father starts the car and we start driveing a few moments of silence pass before I decide to speak up.

"So how many hours is it going to take to get there?" I ask while pulling out my phone "Uh at least nine.." my mom responds I slightly frown 'that's so long..ugh oh well I hope my new bed will be comfortable' "Y/n have you done any research on the new town we are moving into?" My father asked " I haven't but I can do it now." I say while turning on my phone and going on to goggle. I quickly type in the small towns name. It takes a moment to load then the results come up.

"Oh.." I mumble out "what came up Y/n?" My mom asks "Uh there's a lot murders and missing people around the forest." I say while putting my phone down on the seat besides me. "Wait really? I didn't expect that, it's pretty remote so I expected barely any criminal activity.." my mom says while frowning "I especially didn't expect any murders.." I hear my mom mumble under her breath. "Same." My father chimes in I shrug my shoulders 'nothing bad is going to happen to no need to worry..right?' I think while plugging my earphones in and putting some of my music on.

~Time Skip 5 Hours~

"Ahh my legs hurt like hell!" I slightly yell out as I stretch. Right now me and my parents are at a gas station to stretch and get gas. I look over to my mom as she is grabbing her wallet. "Can you get some snacks?" I ask while leaning my back on the back of the truck. My mom softly sighs then smiles "Sure how does chips sound?" My mom asks me "yeah that sounds good." Turning towards my dad I see him put the gas pump in the car as my mom walks away. A few moments pass before I look over to my dad I see his upset face.

"What's wrong?" I ask my dad turns towards me "well I did a little more research about those murders..and they happen regularly same with the missing reports." My dad says as he pulls the gas pump out and puts it back. "Well it'll be fine's very unlikely that anything will happen to us" I softly say while putting my hand on his shoulder. My dad slowly nods in response. Seeing my mom walk up I turn towards her "Hey you got my favorite kind!" I say while smiling she throws the bag of chips and I easily catch them. "Alright let's get going I don't want to spend anymore time at this gas station." My mom says as she gets into the diver seat.

I hop in the back seat and space out as we start moving again.

~Time Skip The House~

'God..I'm exhausted..' I Sluggishly hop out of the car looking up I see the small wooden house I'll be living in for while. 'It's about 12 pm and..I'm fucking exhausted.' Groaning in irritation I pick up a few boxes to carry into the house. Walking in the house I look around at the dusted walls and floors. 'This place needs to be cleaned.' Walking down the hallway I walk into the small bedroom. Placing the boxes down I look around 'it's actually pretty cute.' Opening one of the boxes I pull out dark blue blanket and put it over the small bed. Grabbing a few pillows from the other box I put them on my bed and sit down.

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