Eyeless Jack x fem teen reader

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(Your 14 years old<:)

Your: POV

Slowly opening my eyes I sit up and look around I quietly sigh as I look down at my arms. 'Another restless night of sleep- wait why do I have cuts all over my arms?' I think as I slowly outline one of the cuts with my finger. Frowning I get out of bed and go into my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror I see my tired and messy self. "Whatever..I need to get ready for school." I say then start dressing my wounds. Going into my room I get dressed and put my shoes on.

Bending down I quickly pull my f/c backpack over my shoulder. Walking out of my room I exit my house breathing in the fresh morning air I look around one last time before starting my way to school.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

Stepping out of the school I look around making sure no one is looking at me then I slowly make my ways toward the forest. Looking back on last time I quickly run into the forest. 'Am I skipping school? Yes, yes I am' I think slightly chuckling I know I'll probably get in trouble with my parents but right now I really do not care.

Sitting down on a log near by a small creak I pull out my phone and earphones plugging them in I start watching some YouTube. Sighing for a moment I take a glance around me. 'Why does it feel like someone is breathing down my neck?..' I think then quickly looking behind me I don't see anything. "Dammit..I'm sick of this I'm going home" I say while growing irritated.

Making my way out of the forest I can't shake the feeling of being watched. Finally in front of my house I make sure my moms/ dads car isn't here then I go inside. 'Finally home..' I think passing my parents room in the corner of my eye I swear I could see a blob of red. Pausing for a moment I turn around and slowly make my ways towards my parents bedroom. Peaking in I see a huge blood stain covering my parents shared bed.

'That's a lot of blood..what happened?' I think as I bring my phone out. Quickly typing in my mom's number I start calling her. She answers almost right away. "H-hello?.." she says sounding like she was screaming and crying before. "Uh hi mom..so don't be mad I'm home right now but I was wondering why is there so much blood on your bed..?" I ask walking into my room and sitting down on to my bed.

"Oh..Y/n" she says softly whimpering "Me and your father were sleeping last night and..I woke up with someone over your dad..he was..cutting into him like he was searching for something." She says while softly crying on the other side "Is dad ok?" I ask frowning and slightly biting my nails. "I'm not sure..but Y/n can you do something  for me?.." She asks her tone turning completely serious.

"Uh yeah what is it?" I ask she sighs obviously overwhelmed "That man..attacking your father said he was out to get you..make sure you lock all doors and windows. I don't want risking losing my daughter too.." she says softly "Wait someone's after me, why?-" I ask but get cut off "S-Sorry Y/n I gotta go please be safe I love you" she says then hangs up.

Pausing for a moment I get up to lock everything up. "Why is someone after me..?" I slightly mumble out. Going over to my bedroom window I make sure to lock it up tight like I did with the others. 'Why hasn't mom called the cops yet?..' I think confused and a little frustrated.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful but when night came it was quiet to quiet..

~Time Skip 1:45 pm~

Right now I'm sat at my desk messing with my computer because it's been glitching lately. I'm not very good technology software so I'm struggling. Giving up I decided I'll save it for my mom or dad to figure it out when they get home. 'Speaking of which my mom hasn't even texted or called me to tell me when there going to be home..'

Sighing I get up out of my desk chair. 'I'm pretty hungry I'll go make something to eat..' opening my bedroom door I slowly walk down the hallway. 'It's so quiet-' "ah!" I yell out when I feel a hand grab my shirt and pull me backwards. Getting pushed into their chest I try to scream only to be silenced by a hand covering my whole face. 'Holy shit! This dudes huge-' "shh..shhh.." I hear a guy? Quietly shushing me.

I feel him slowly drag me to a near by window then he fully picks me up princess style and unlocks the window. Looking down I see he's about jump out of it. 'What is he thinking we are on the 2nd floor!?-' landing the fall he starts running into the forest like nothing ever happened. I panic and quickly grab on to him and push myself closer to him.

~Small Time Skip~

After all the screaming and insults thrown at the blue masked man that has no eyes. We finally make it to a small cabin in the middle of the woods. Entering the cabin I notice it's actually pretty cozy and warm. Putting me down in the living room on the sofa we stare at each other for a moment before I decide to speak up. "Where am i?.." I ask glareing up at him.

'He is so tall..he has to be at least 8 feet tall.' He stares at me for a few moments in silence. "Your new home.." he says almost in a whisper. "My new home?..this isn't home you kidnapped me..why did you anyway?" I ask flinching when he steps closer "Because I wanted you..and you taste good." He says in a threatening tone of voice.

"I...taste good?" I ask once again confused and exhausted. He nods slowly then grabs my wrist softly "your dad didn't taste as good though" he says as he sighs. Raising his mask up slightly he brings my wrist to his mouth. "What are you doing- ow!" I yelled slightly flinching when he softly bit into my wrist. Pulling away I look down at my wrist studying my wound.

Glareing back up at him I notice my blood slightly covering his lips. "You taste quite delicious..I was going to eat you..but I want to keep you now." He says as he licks his lips and sits besides me. Reaching out he starts softly playing with my hair. "You should go to sleep Doll..I can clearly see your exhausted." He says smiling down at me with his sharp teeth. 'I'm tired..and confused what's his name anyway?'

"Um w-whats your name?" I ask trying to get out of his grip when he starts cuddling into me. "My name is Jack..." he says running his hand through my hair. "You should lay down..I have a bedroom setup for you already but..I can see your pretty tired." He says lightly chuckling seeing me already about to pass out on top of him.

"Good night..Y/n" he says letting my head rest on top of his chest.


Author: Hi I hoped you liked this chapter(: I'm watching Marble Hornets right now when I finish it I'm going to do Hoodie. Well anyway bye bye♡ tell me if you have any ideas for me what I could write.(:<

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