Masky x antisocial fem teen reader part 2

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(TW: drugging)

Your: POV

So its been a few days..and I still don't have a plan to get away from Masky and take my parents with me. I have been very careful what I do but I'm getting irritated I want to go home. I haven't gotten in any 'trouble' yet so he hasn't harmed my parents at least I think. I've met a few of his friends there names where Toby and Hoodie sadly it's quite obvious they aren't going to help me. Sighing I look out the rusted bar window.

'What should I do now?' Standing up I walk over to the window. 'Maybe if I pull hard enough on these bars they will break..well it's worth a try' bending down I wrap both of my hands around the bottom of the bars pulling up it slightly moves which causes me to fall back on to my bed. "Ouch!" I slightly yelped hearing something breaking  under me I flinch and quickly stand up. Looking down I see a metal bar from my bed that has broken off. Pausing for a moment I smile to myself 'I have a plan.'

Bending down I pick up the medal bar and walk back over to the window. I wedge the bar in between the rusted bars and the window using my body weight I push down.  I watch as the metal bars slowly break from the window. Stepping back I look at my work and slightly pant in exhaustion. "O-ok..ok I know what to do." Walking back in front of the now opened window I poke my head out and look out. 'Wow I'm deeper in the woods than I thought.' Looking down I spot a couple ledges I can step on to get down.

Sighing I try to calm my nerves, I start climbing down getting to the ground I look up at the small cabin. 'Why do I feel so guilty? He kidnapped me..' Shrugging I walk towards a small shed and open the door looking around I can..see blood covering the walls? It doesn't smell pleasant either. Looking over at the small table I see my dad's wallet quickly looking around I walk up to it and pick it up.

'Why is this here?' Opening it up I can see most of the contents are missing including a picture of me when i was in elementary school. 'Dammit! I'm stalling I need to get going before he notices I'm not there. I'll contact the police and tell them where they are..I need to get to a town.' Turning around I walk out of the shed and walk down a small dirt path. 'I hope this path leads me somewhere..' Looking around I see the freshly fallen leaves and trees.

Groaning in irritation I start running down the trail in a hurry. 'Where are you mom and dad!?'

~Time Skip 2 Hours~

'Ok I'm lost and I don't know what to..' sitting down by a tree I look up at the sky. 'This is probably the time Masky gives me lunch..he probably has found out I was missing hes most likely pissed.' I shiver at the thought of him being pissed. 'Well if he does find me..i know he will hurt my parents and I don't want that but..what else should I do?' Putting my head in both my hands I sigh. Feeling myself get pulled up right from the back of my shirt I yelp in shock.

"I see your regretting running away Y/n..are you ready to go home?" I hear Masky harshly say I sigh in defeat 'it's not like I know where to go anyway..' "yes.." I quietly say  "mh..good" he says and starts pulling me to the cabin "there will be consequences for escaping..understand?" He says while walking towards the cabin. "Yes.." I respond  some time past before we finally made it back.

He pulls me up the stairs and into my room then forces me to sit down on the bed. He stands in front of me and crosses his arms over each other. "What do you think your punishment is going to be?" He asks while tilting his head. I pause in thought for a moment "um..are you going to hurt my parents in some way?" I ask feeling guilty I look down at the ground.

"Yes. But I don't think that's enough is you want to see your so called 'parents'?" He says I quickly jerk my head up and down eagerly. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and pulls something up he then holds it out in front of my face. Seeing the picture in front of me my eyes widen in shock. What I see in the picture is my parents tied up and in horrible condition. Looking closer I see my dad missing a few of his teeth and his face beaten up and bruised. Looking over at my mom he condition is a little better than my dad's but  she looks pretty much done with life.

"W-what.." I managed to mumble out "Oh don't worry they'll be dead after they won't have to suffer anymore" he softly chuckles and puts his phone back into his pocket. I feel tears build up in my eyes i quickly stand up. "W-wait..I'll do anything please don't kill them please..please" I beg as begin to sob I walk closer and grip on to the front of his jacket. "Mh..but this is your punishment for running away I did give you warning before hand but you still went ahead and disobeyed my rules Princess" he says while wrapping his arms around me. I softly sob into his jacket while whispering "please I-i'm so sorry..I'm so sorry.."

"Mh.." he softly hums as he runs his hand through my hair. "There's no point in begging Toby and Hoodie already took care of it..but it quite adorable for you to do so." He says while dragging me to my bed and sitting me down. "W-wait does that mean they are a-already dead?" I ask starting to sob harder. "Correct." He responds bluntly I lean all of my body weight on him as I sob and exhaustion taking over my body. "I-i just wanted t-to go home.." I say while whimpering "You are home Princess.." he says my face scrunchs up in disapproval.

"No it isn't.." I whisper he glares down at me and grabs my jaw harshly "Say. That. Again I dare you..." he says harshly  I slightly flinch at his tone and feel more tears going down my cheeks. I shove my head into his chest as I continue to sob. "I-i'm sorry..I'm sorry.." I say between gasps. "Mh..thats much better now..tell me where is your home?" He asks as he runs his fingers through my hair. "Here.." I softly respond "and who your Dad?" He asks I pause in thought 'wait..does he want me to say him? Ok that's fuck weird but..what else can I do..I feel absolutely helpless' "y-you?" I softly say he tilts his head and lifts mask up slightly.

Bending down he softly kisses my tear staind cheek. "Correct..your so smart Y/n." He says I sigh in defeat as I let him hold onto me. 'No..I can't give up i-i can try again tomorrow yeah..I still have a chance to get away from here.' I frown at my thoughts 'but is there a chance?' Feeling a rough hand on my cheek I look up to see Masky smiling down at me. "I got some pills for you..they'll help you relax" he says while handing me 2 light blue pills I raise my eye brows in confusion. 'anxiety pills? Or are they some kind of relaxer?' Shrugging I pop them in my mouth I quickly feel regret fill my body.

'Did I really just eat those..he didn't even tell me what they were.' Looking up at him I see him nodding his head in approval. "Good girl..I'm glad you are starting to listen to me." He says a few minutes past before I start feeling light headed. I feel the room spinning I quickly grab on to Masky to ground myself. I lean my head on to his shoulder and close my eyes as my vision starts getting weird. "W-what did you give me..I feel weird.." I whisper as I cuddle into him. He softly chuckles and runs his hand through my hair.

"Just relax..everything will be fine." He responds I hum in response as I start fading in and out of consciousness i wrap my arms around his waist before fully passing out.


Author: Hi I hope you liked part 2 I'm planning on doing Jeff or Eyeless Jack next, please if you have any ideas please tell anyway bye bye everyone♡

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