Laughing Jack x teenager fem reader

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(You are 14 :D)

Your: POV

Looking out of my old bedroom window as I hear soft petter patters of rain hit my window.

Right now I'm at my grandparents house for the weekend. I used to live here I think 6 years back? I can't really remember. I remember alot about a monochrom clown and how we played together. As my parents were driving me up here I tried talking about it. But they only stated it must of been a dream or a imaginary friend of sorts. And told me to shut up about it.

One of the memories I recall of the unknown clown was me waking up in the middle of the night to him giving me candy? And saying how we would be the best of friends..creepy I know. Looking back on it the last memory I remember is me telling him I had to leave and that ended him lashing out..I got took all the blame though for the big cuts in the wall and the shattered glass everywhere.

Sighing at my weird made up childhood memories. I look over at my backpack and grab my notebook and pencil case. 'Might as well draw this weird ass clown.' I think as I start lightly sketching his primary features.

~Small Time Skip~

Smiling down at my now completed handy work "it doesn't exactly looks like him but I think I did a pretty good job.." I slightly mumble out kind of feeling defeated no longer confident in my new drawing.

"Ohh Y/n dinner is ready!" I hear my grandma slightly yell in a singing manner. "Ok I'll be right down!" I yell quickly putting my art supplies away. Walking down the stairs I slightly glance at all my old drawings that are hung on the hallway wall. 'That clown is everywhere..' Getting down stairs I approach my grandma as shes setting down plates and utensils. "Need any help?.." I ask slowly sitting down.

"No I'm good Y/n I'm not that old.." she say slightly laughing at the end. I nod as she finally sits down besides me. "Where's grandpa?" I ask as I start eating the food in front of me. She softly sighs "he had to work late tonight..he said something about some kind of emergency at the station with the resent murders.." she says worried.

"Yeah a lot of murders have happened I think a lot more started popping up like 7 years ago?" I say taking another bite of food. My grandmother nods turning towards me "Y/n..I'm worried for you." She says frowning. Slightly tilting my head in confusion "why? Has something happened?" I ask setting down my cup of water. "N-no not really it's just I've been having these dreams of you getting kidnapped by this black and white clown..and they frighten me." She says grabbing my hand and softly squeezing my hand.

"A clown huh..well don't worry because that won't ever happen." I say softly smiling and standing up. "Well I'm going to get ready for bed goodnight.." I say walking away and up the stairs.

~Time Skip 2:45 pm~

"All around the Mulberry Bush,The monkey chased the weasel..The monkey stopped to pull up his sock, Pop! goes the weasel~ Half a pound of tuppenny rice, Half a pound of treacle.Mix it up and make it nice,Pop! goes the weasel~"

I hear music softly playing in my closet. Slowly sitting up I look around confused. 'What the hell..' opening the closet door I look down to see box? The music suddenly stops bending down I run my fingers across the slightly dusted corners. "I don't recall owning a music box..and this looks pretty old." I mumble out confused. Yawning I shake my head 'I'll check it out tomorrow..' I think getting up and walking back to my comfortable bed I lay back down.

Now that I look back on it...I should of thrown that box out of my window.

~Time Skip~

I've been here a few days and it feels like someone is watching my every move. Maybe I just paranoid..Anyway I'm outside right now in nature~ I'm in a small field a little ways from my grandparents house. Looking down at my phone at my phone I notice I got a text message.

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