Hoodie x teen fem reader part 2

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(TW: drugging duh it's Hoodie and Masky what do you expect? <:)

Your: POV

A couple of days have passed sense getting kidnapped. I've been super anxious and confused especially at night. Let's just say I've been having trouble falling asleep. Sighing I look over at my now nailed shut window. Funny story actually 2 days ago I found out how weak the window was so I decided to try and escape then head to the nearest town. Sadly my plan didn't work out and I got tackled by Masky as I tried running away.

They still don't trust me with my phone yet so right now I'm dieing of boredom. Groaning in irritation I stand up and walk towards the window grabbing the edge I start pulling upwards. 'Dammit..they really nailed this shut didn't they..' I think to myself as I sit down at the near by desk. 'I miss Mom and Dad..' I frown while glareing at the floor. Hearing my door open I look over to see Hoodie with some sandwiches.

"Hungry?" He asks while putting the food in front of me. I slightly mumble out a thank you then start eating. Hearing clicks on the table I look over to see Hoodie putting some pills down. "A little birdy told me you've been having trouble falling to sleep so I decided to pick up some sleeping pills.." he says while putting them into my water "you have no choice..drink it." He says demanding I slightly nod In response.

Quickly chugging down the water I feel the gross flavor of grape fill my mouth. Gagging I glare at Hoodie "you couldn't pick a better flavor?" I ask while rolling my eyes "that's the only flavor the person had." He says darkly "person? I thought you got this from the store." I quickly questioned him. Silence filled the air as he stares at me. Feeling nervous I look to the side "forget I even asked.." I mumble out "That's what I thought Y/n.." he says while softly smiling.

"I'm bored.." I say while rocking back and forth "Do you have anything I could do?" I ask looking back him. "I still have those markers. Do you want them?" He asks while tilting his head "of course! I've been dieing of boredom!" I say while leaning toward him and smiling. Slowly he nods and stands up "I'll go get them.." he says then closes the door and locks it. A few minutes past then I hear the door open again turning around I see Masky holding the markers walking towards me he hands them.

"Hoodie had things to take care of but he told me to give you these.." he says then walks out of room. Not hearing the click of the lock I look at the door. 'No he isn't that dumb he'd definitely lock it' I think while yawning. 'I should go to sleep..'

~Small Time Skip~

Hearing a loud slam of a door I slightly flinch awake. Groaning in irritation I sit up and look around the room. 'Why are they slaming doors when it's like 3 in the morning..' I think while standing up and walking to the door. 'I'm hungry..' Turning the door handle I expect it to be locked but instead it easily opens. poking my head out into the hallway I see no one.

Looking back at the bedroom I hesitate leaving. 'Getting tackle isn't exactly fun..' I think to myself remembering last time I tried to escape. Ignoring my uneasiness I continue to walk out into the small hallway.  Tip toeing downstairs I look around in the living room quietly sighing I continue to make my ways towards the front door. Slowly opening it I walk out feeling the cold air hit my skin I shiver.

Walking down the old trail I start slightly running down it. 'God..I really hope they didn't find my room empty yet..' I chuckle to myself in victory. 'I miss Mom and Dad..my home.' I frown to myself remembering that they are STILL missing and the police probably didn't do shit. I continue to slightly run for a while intill I finally get to the road. Looking at the van I was previously kidnapped in. Walking towards it I look though one of the windows to see..a man? This man is pretty beaten up and bloody seeing him slightly cry out in pain he looks over at me.

"Help! Please!?" I hear his muffled voice call out. I scratch my head in confusion  'what does he expect me to do?..and why does Masky and Hoodie have this dude locked up?' I think while putting my hand on the glass window. Groaning in confusion I look around the area down the road I see..red and blue lights? 'Is that a cop car?-' I think but get cut off my a hand on my shoulder. "Its a beautiful night..isn't that right Y/n?" I hear Hoodie say behind me i slowly turn around and slowly nod.

He roughly grabs my wrists and starts pulling me up the trail. "L-Let me go! I want to go home!" I yell out trying to pull away he stops for a moment to glare at me "This. Is. Your. Home..Y/n." He says darkly I shiver from his tone and slowly nod. "Good..now you understand." He says while pulling me along. Some time pasts intill we finally get back to the cabin. He pulls me inside and back into my room. He stares at me for a moment then wraps his arms around me.

"I can tell your cold.." he says softly while running his hands up and down my arms. I open my mouth to say something but get cutt off  by a pill getting shoved into my mouth. I softly gag accidentally swallowing it. "W-what was that?" I ask feeling uneasy. He softly chuckles "it's an anxiety pill..now sit down. I want to ask you a few questions.." he says while pushing me on to my bed.

Already feeling my body becoming light I nod. 'I feel like I'm melting..' "now that your feeling better..tell me how did your parents treat you?" He asks as he plays with my hair. "Mh..how they treated me?" I say slightly dazed "um..I know they love me but I actually got ignored a lot because they had so much work but..I know they didn't mean to and when we went on that camping trip..I finally got some time with them." I explained while frowning.

"But they didn't love you." He says slightly tilting his head "W-what?" I questioned "I love you more Y/n..the only one you need is me.." he says softly 'Ugh what did he give me I can't think straight..' I slightly nod "My body feels weird.." I mumble he nods in response and smirks. "Well I had to give you that drug so you would tell me the truth.." he says as he opens his arms I stare at him for moment as my vision starts getting blurry.

Falling into his arms I wrap my arms around his waist. I feel him fun his fingers through my hair as I feel wet hot tears run down my face as I'm in his hold. "Shh..your safe..Y/n you are with me.." he says softly feeling tingling all over my body I lay my head on his shoulder. "You are no longer alone..you are with me me." He says softly chuckling he starts humming a tune I don't recognize.

"Now..go to sleep darling..your safe with me.." he says as I slowly fade out.


Author: I hope you liked the second part of the story. I'm planning on doing Ben or Toby next..Anyway bye bye!(:<

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